4| Friends?

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"Sick and tired of being sick and tried. It's hard being human."~~


Once I got home my dad was worried he had asked me why I was home so early. I lied and pretended I was sick. I smiled a little remembering how he ran around the house for all the stuff he thought would make me feel better.

Dads theory was that it was a 24-hour bug and that i'd be better in no time. I smiled lightly at the memory.

At the end dad made me the saltiest bowl of chicken noodle soup and sent me up to bed for rest. I did what he wished, I needed it anyways so I didn't trip.

All I did with the silence and comfort of my bed was cry and think about all the stupid shit Tony had said about me.

There was a knock at my door then soon after my dad popped his head in, I glance up at him seeing black vans behind him. "My pretend son-in-laws here to see you." I smiled at my dad before nodding. I wiped at my eyes hoping they weren't that red and puffy.

Dad side stepped, there stood Ajax looking even better than earlier... He had on a nice fitted black-v neck that insinuated his built torso I could see the peak of his tattoo at the end of his shirt sleeve, he had on denim loose fitting jeans, and black vans. His hair was a mess like always but a nice rough mess of silk, his jaw was scruffy and quite daring to want to feel on my cheek-

"Done checking him out?" I blushed before laying back down and putting the cover over my head. "Dad you're so embarrassing!" I said muffled because my head was in the pillows I heard him and Ajax chuckle before dad tried to go all tough-dad on Ajax.

"No kinky stuff," Dad tried to say sternly.

"Bye Daddy!" I yelled from under the covers and I heard him chuckle then the door shut.

Yeah wow dad closed the door on his daughter and a boy... Yeah well my dad trusted me enough.

I heard Ajax paddle over to my bed and sit beside my balled up knees. "Why'd you leave early? You didn't even come to lunch I had your fries," he grumbled I smiled lightly.

"That may have been the nicest thing you've done in a long time," I teased I could hear his smirk, I swear I could.

"Shut up and come from under there."

He said while pulling at my blanket, I balled up feeling the cold air nip at my naked legs. I was wearing my lazy cloths my red sweat shirt that said 'Killin' it' in white and some spanks -spandex shorts- that you couldn't see because the sweater was kinda too big. I left my hair alone; just took off the forehead-head band off.

I buried my head in my pillow away from Ajax not wanting him to see my puffy eyes. My hair was everywhere like spilled water over the pillows "Ajax it's cold give me back my cover... Please," I grumbled.

"No. What's wrong?" I huffed "Whoa Ajax you sound like you almost care," I said bitchy like.

"What the fucks up your ass?" He asked angrily, now he was getting frustrated I rolled over on my back but kept my eyes closed. "Sorry that slipped..." I said opening my eyes

He noticed it soon as he looked in my eyes. "Shit," I muttered he pulled me up, my legs were behind his back, he was holding me up examining me.

"You've been crying," he spoke the obvious I rolled my eyes. "Nah it was just raining in my room," he shook his head at me.

"Not the time to be a smart ass." I shrugged "I tried."

He grabbed ahold of my wrist and I winced. Tony had a tight grip on me and his nails really dug into my skin. Ajax pulled away fast thinking he was the reason. "Aj-" he cut me off

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