Chapter 17 - All Good Things Must Come to an End

Start from the beginning

He reached into the pocket of his pajama pants and opened his phone to snap a couple of quick photos before the moment passed. He was momentarily startled by the realization that this was the first photo he'd taken of Elaina since he'd arrived in Louisiana. Even more surprising, he hadn't even checked his social media or posted anything. It was very unlike him, but he'd been thoroughly entertained every second and just never found himself reaching for his phone.

Norman descended the stairs and filled a mug. When he turned he saw that she was now watching him, and upon catching his eye a grin broke out on her face.


"Good morning, Mon Cher," she soothed his wild hair as she drew close. "Sleep well?"

"Until I realized you were gone. For some reason, I sleep like the dead when you're next to me." Before she smiled, he took note of a darker emotion that slid across her face.

"It's just from being exhausted from all the vigorous... activity beforehand."

Norman stared at her for a few beats before speaking. "Bullshit, Elaina..." Her eyes widened at the anger in his voice. "You're the one that lectured me on honesty and here you are hiding yourself from me. Why all the sudden are you afraid to say what's on your mind? Why the hell can't you just admit that we're really good together and that you just might be falling for me like I've fallen for you?"

He watched her lip quiver for a split second before she straightened her spine and face him head on. "Alright... you're right of course. I'll admit that I'm afraid of you and the feelings you've woken in me. I've found myself actually daydreaming about how we could make this work, how our two lives could mesh..." She paused and looked away.


She turned back and he was surprised to see the tears that had gathered in her eyes. "We have to be honest with ourselves that separation has a way of dulling powerful emotions. When my husband died 23 years ago, my heart was broken. I didn't think I would survive the pain in those early days, but I did because I had a precious 2 year old that was relying on me. I also had a challenging career to consume my remaining time... but at the end of the day I had to admit that it was also because for the last 3 years of our marriage I had barely seen him. We were living separate lives."

Elaina felt a brief, but sharp pain in her heart as she thought of those days and the consuming loneliness she felt. "It took time, but I was able to set aside the pain and guilt. Then I could start remembering him with fondness rather than sadness and I fell into a nice routine." She reached out and did that thing where she soothed her fingers over his face. "But now I'm retired and my baby girl is all grown up and married and I'm not sure I'd be able to overcome being left again..."

He started to protest but she put a finger over his lips. "You can't promise that, and I don't want you to. I just need you to know that what I'm feeling is deeper and much more mature than what I had with Joe... it's shocked me and left me vulnerable."

As he watched, two fat tears escaped and tracked down her cheeks. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently. "Let's make this promise – to be gentle with one another's feelings."

"Deal," she pulled away and walked over to the refrigerator. "Now, let's have a light breakfast because today I'm treating you to a home cooked Cajun feast for lunch."


A strong thunderstorm moved into the New Orleans area late Sunday evening. They cuddled on the couch and watched the lightening streak across the darkened sky. The only light in the flat was a few candles they'd lit earlier and the mood was decidedly romantic. Between long make-out sessions, they spoke of their childhoods, family traditions, current friends, and future hopes and dreams.

At one point the storm became so intense that the windows were rattling. Norman could see the lightening reflected in Elaina's eyes and it made her look like a mythical being. He pulled her onto his lap and hugged her to him, placing hot kisses across her shoulders and chest. She undid the belt on her robe letting it slide down her arms. She was naked underneath, having never dressed after their shower together earlier. Freeing him from his sweatpants she impaled herself and arched her back with a growling sigh.

It took Norman all he had not to let go at the sight and sound. Elaina felt his restraint and stopped her movements. She looked down at his face and the light and shadow that played across the surface of his skin. She was taken by the power of her feelings for this magnificent man, and felt the beginning of tears so she picked up her movements and buried her face in his shoulder until their climaxes took their breath away.

A few hours later, Elaina lay in bed looking at the sleeping man next to her. He'd be leaving tomorrow and she hated the idea of abandoning this little cocoon. But, this wasn't reality and she'd known it couldn't last. She comforted herself with the thought that she'd be meeting with Sheila soon and could get started watching her and her friends flourish and succeed. It'd be just the right project to distract her. With that thought, she eased her way out of the bed and into the bathroom.


When Norman's alarm went off bright and early Monday morning he shut it off quickly and reached for Elaina. As with the day before, she wasn't there but he was greeted with the smell of coffee. After a quick visit to the bathroom, he made his way down the stairs expecting to find her curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee, but didn't see her anywhere. As he reached the bottom step he could feel the emptiness of the space. He tried to convince himself she'd just run down to the grocery, but then he looked over and saw the note taped to the cabinet above the coffee maker.


Sorry to sneak out on you, but the idea of saying goodbye to you was abominable. The idea of watching you walk away from me is more than I can handle.

I put your drumstick in your suitcase so you wouldn't forget it, and you can lock up when you leave by entering this code – 7874 - in the keypad and hitting lock.

And Norm - if, when you get back to reality, you decide this won't work or that your feelings were a product of the setting and circumstance – well, please know that I'll be okay and that I loved every minute and have zero regrets.

All my love, Elaina

Norman read the letter through twice and as his temper flared, he crushed it in his fist before shoving it into the pocket of his jeans. Back up in the loft he got dressed and left as quickly as possible.

Through it all, "She'll be okay?" could be heard muttered over and over.

In record time, Norman was nearing the exit for the Baton Rouge airport. In the hour it had taken, he'd been through nearly every emotion that could be boiled down to one question: why? He just couldn't fathom what had caused her to bail on him like that. The weekend had been amazing and they were clearly meant to be together.

Up head he saw the exit announcing the airport. Next to it was another sign, letting drivers know that two miles ahead was the exit for State Highway 61; printed underneath was the words Port Hudson and St. Francisville.

"I'm a fool," he thought to himself, and then rolled his eyes, "but then, I guess fools rush in..."

At the last minute, amid a flurry of honking horns, Norman jerked the steering wheel of his rental car and jumped into the lane that would take him to the woman who could provide him the answer he needed.

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