Chapter 17 - All Good Things Must Come to an End

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Sunday flew by, as the last day of the weekend is wont to do. The added fact that it was Elaina and Norman's last day together made it feel even shorter. Because they had spent most of the previous day taking in the sights, it was decided that they would stay in all day.

Elaina woke before Norman and quietly made her way downstairs where, after pouring a coffee, she texted her daughter and Tess. She had called Emily after leaving the plantation on Friday and after the initial shock, her daughter hadn't known what to freak out more about – the fact that her mom was spending a couple of days with a character from her favorite show or that her mom liked a man enough to tell her about him.

As instructed by both women, Elaina was texting an update to let them know she was still alive and that she had enjoyed her time with Mr. Norman Reedus immensely.

Emily: What does that mean? Are you going to see him again?

Elaina: Perhaps... we haven't made specific plans, but we both want to.

Tess: Hold up a minute. You've not seen the same man twice in all the time I've known you.

Emily: She's not seen the same man twice since I can remember!

Elaina: Simmer down you two; it's nothing more than we just really click. There's no talk of forever just that we aren't done with each other yet.

Emily: Mom! Can you just admit that you might actually be developing feelings for someone and there's a small chance you won't be Elaina the cat lady?

Tess: Now, Emily, you know that hard-headed momma of yours ain't ever gonna admit any such thing. How else would she explain the hours spent watching cat videos?

Elaina: GAH! The fact that you two are the closest human relationships I have should explain the desire for feline companionship...

Elaina: Being honest? I do really like him. I haven't felt quite this optimistic about a man since Joe asked me to Prom a hundred years ago.

She hit send and then put the phone down. She walked over to the bank of windows on the east wall to watch the early morning sun throw gold and pink light over the water of the Mississippi River and cause the windows of the surrounding buildings look as if they were abstract paintings. Her thoughts wandered to the man lying in her bed upstairs. He had taken her completely off guard, and had upended her belief in the fact that she was happiest on her own. She had relished her independence once she'd come to terms with being a young widow with a baby, and had never regretted her singleness.

But now... now she found herself wondering what a future with a partner, or at least a steady companion, might be like. Maybe growing old with someone she loved and respected and desired wouldn't be so bad. If nothing else, having someone to go with her on some of her bucket list adventures would make them that much more fun. 

Sounded like a win-win situation... so why did she feel like her heart might not survive?


Norman woke slowly and ran his hands over the empty spot next to him. The same time his brain registered that Elaina was gone, his nose picked up the heavenly scent of coffee. He stopped when he reached the top of the stairs, having spotted Elaina as she stood with her forehead pressed against the window. He felt his breath hitch at the picture she presented, with her long wavy hair surrounding her shoulders, one foot hooked behind the other ankle and her long shapely legs extending below her short robe. Her hands were wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee; the wisps of steam visible above the rim.

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