T W E N T Y - F O U R

Start from the beginning

"Does the imp-imprinted. Does the imprintee have a choice." Leah asked.

"That, is probably the most important part of an imprinted pair. The imprintee has all the choice." Sue continued. "A shapeshifter finding an imprint is almost impossible, it doesn't just happen straight away.....well it does for the man but not for the wolf."

Leah once again found herself confused.

"The wolf accepting an imprint could take years because the mans first instinct is to move towards the unconditional love they feel for their imprint. But their wolf would have to be certain that the imprintee wants them just as much as the shapeshifter wants him or her." Sue said. "If the wolf realises that the imprintee doesn't want their human it looses interest and searches for someone else who shows interest even if that isn't what the man wants."

Sue could see the questions begging for escape in Leahs eyes so she gave her daughter another nod and Leah burst.

"Why are you telling me this, what does it have to do with me.-" Leah rambled stopping when her mother gave her a small smile.

"One at a time Leah."

"How do you know all this." Leah settled on.

"Your father and several other adults around the reservation are apart of a consul that share stories of our past and takes care of all things supernatural that concern our tribe." Sue said. "They possess many diaries and items from past shifters."

"Past Shifters?" Leah questioned. "Are there any shifters here on the reservation today."

Sue bit her lip pondering on how she should tell her daughter, finally deciding on the blunt factor Sue exhaled before answering. "Do you remember at the end of last month we held a search party for Sam after he went missing."

"Yeah." Leah replied a small gasp passing through her lips as realisation dawned on her. Sam, Emily.....Imprinting. "Oh my God."

"Leah I know this.-" Sue said cutting off when Leah started.

"Oh My God." Leah huffed, her breathing had become ragged she could feel her throat closing up.

"Honey." Sue yelped with fright as Leah froze. The only sound that echoed through Leah's room was her in uneven breathing. "Honey you need to breathe."

"What's going on." Seth asked popping his head into Leah's doorway that was wide open. "Le what's wrong."

"Leah honey I'm going to need you to breathe with me alright." Sue said placing one hand on Leah's chest and the other on her cheek. This wasn't behaviour that necessarily surprised her. One, because she was a nurse and Two because this wasn't Leah's first panic attack.

 One, because she was a nurse and Two because this wasn't Leah's first panic attack

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She had gone through many small episodes similar to this in the her life.

"I'll- I'll go." Seth stuttered racing through the house towards the living room as the word 'Dad' left his mouth in a scream.

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