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Robin was seated in class trying not to stare at the back of Angela's head. The two usually sat together in this class but today Angela had ignored the empty seat beside Robin and sat in the seat in front of her.

Glancing at the clock on the wall Robin drummed her fingers on her desk. Two minutes. She felt like she was stuck in an adrenaline rush, today she would confront Angela and demand to know what her problem was.

The bell rang and Robin watched as Angela sprinted out of the classroom. Instead of running after her Robin sighed and took her time walking out of the class because she knew where Angela was headed.

Angela stood at her locker with her books in her arms. She went to turn around and bumped into Robin who stared at her with her arms crossed.

"C-can I help you." Angela stuttered. The anger on Robins face softened as her adrenaline faded.

"Can we talk." Robin asked. "Without you running away."

Instead of arguing Angela nodded and leaned against her closed locker door.

"So...um." Angela started. She didn't know what to say.

"We made out." Robin continued.

"I remember that. What did you want to talk about."

"What do you mean what did I want to talk about. We kissed and then you ran out. I want you to explain yourself." Robin said.

"Well I didn't expect to be making out with you

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"Well I didn't expect to be making out with you. We've known each less than week." Angela explained.

"Neither did I. Do I need to remind you that you kissed me. I was completely fine with us just being friends." Robin whined. "You being shocked still doesn't give you the right to treat me like I was invisible."

"I know that. I was just-" Angela said stopping mid sentence.

"You were afraid." Robin observed. Angela froze, she didn't know how to respond to that she felt like Robin could read her mind and she hated it.

"Well? Am I right?" Robin urged.

"I-I'm not afraid. Well I was but not as much as I was surprised." Angela said, her voice dropping down to a whisper. "I actually really enjoyed it."

"Why is that a problem." Robin asked getting defensive.

"I've never really kissed another girl before or even thought about it until I met you."

"I can see how that would scare. I went through the same thing a few years. But unlike me you're going to have no problem accepting who you are." Robin encouraged. She had spent all of sixth and seventh grade confused, surprised and afraid.

"Why's that." Angela wondered.

"Because you have me."


Variety  |Edward Cullen|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن