Death and Heartbreak:

Start from the beginning

I look to Zabuza. “Call him off.”

Zabuza’s eyes flash to me.

“Call him off.” I repeat again, lowly. “He’ll only listen to you. You can save yourselves right now. Just call him off.”

“Sasuke-kun! Naruto! Don’t lose to a stupid guy like that! Come on!” Sakura cups her lips, voice carrying across the bridge.

Kakashi and I flash her a strained look.

“Stop Sakura.” Kakashi says, “Don’t edge them on like that.”

“Why not?” Sakura’s hands drop.

“Because they can’t beat Haku.” I say firmly, eyes flickering back to Zabuza. “But I can, and will, if that’s what it takes to protect my kids. This is your final chance, Zabuza, to spare your lives. Give up.”

As I say it, I can feel the finality of it settling deep within my bones. I can defeat them. I don’t know how I know that or how I’ll do it, but I know I can. Plus I’ll have Kakashi to help me.

Zabuza’s eyes narrow.

I let out a soft sigh. “I’ll take that as a no, then?”

Zabuza doesn’t answer.

Looking to Kakashi, we share a long heartfelt look. My heart drops through my stomach at the idea of killing Haku. We come to a brief understanding, Kakashi realizing what I’m planning to do and how it will affect me, and I press the palm of my hand to the snake’s belly.

“Squeeze.” I instruct, voice hallow.

The snake follows my instructions, coiling tighter around Zabuza. He grunts again, teeth grinding, and I tap lightly on the snake’s scales. “Harder.”

Zabuza hisses softly.

Haku is getting anxious, just as I was planning, and continues to glance rapidly back and forth between the two boys and Zabuza-in a silent debate. The snake continues to squeeze and the sick sound of bones crunching fills the air-and Zabuza hisses again.

Kakashi steps forward and draws out his kunai knife. “Stay here or help?” He asks softly.

“Stay.” I say absently. I don’t need him or Sakura getting hurt.

Naruto does another Shadow Clone jutsu, a good twenty clones jumping up into the air to land an attack on Haku. Haku once again defeats them-although his movements are hasty, distracted. I have to be careful; he might just take out Naruto and Sasuke-then come after me. I need Sasuke to have his brain blast right now…

“Hold on, Zabuza-san. I will be done here soon.” Haku says loudly-a warning.

And then I see it, the small fleeting connection that zips through Sasuke’s eyes like a fleeing mouse.

My wicked smile reappears.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto screams, quickly doing the hand signs.

As the many Naruto’s jump into the air, Sasuke’s hands are moving. Fire lights up the inside of the dome and then flickers out, only to quickly resurface and illuminate it once more. Naruto falls back to the floor with a thump, groaning in pain, and Sasuke growls softly.

“Good job, Sasuke.” I call.

“What happened?” Sakura scowls slightly.

“Sasuke is slowly getting the timing down. He burnt the leg of Haku’s dress thing.” Kakashi observes, eyes flickering back to me.

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