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I wake to hear mumbiling inside the car, laying silent i  listened to everyones breathing while keeping mine at a steady sleeping pace,  it seemed liana was also asleep.

"yo man is it true that she once lead a platoon over 150?, those poor men having to work under someone so disgusting. you must dispise her or something, planning your revenge. I'm right aren't I?"

because I was leaning against joe I could hear his growl ripple through his chest in disapproval towards liam speaking to his once loyal and trusted leader and alpha even though I refused to call myelf that. in side I must admit those words hurt me and made me want to sceam out in anger.

" you know what liam? you talk to much, "

joe let part of his old alpha status through.

everything was quiet then all except for the engine that rumbled as we drove though the freeway.

"you know when I first met ivy I was exactly like you, I treated her like shit and even tried to kill her severl times in a row, and every time I almost succeded, it wasn't unil the tenth time that she completely lost it, she shifted and it wasnt because I almost killed her but because I had placed not only myself in danger but one of the solders in her platoon, she shifted because I had placed a person she didn't 100 percent know  or trust, lifes on the line, she cared for each and every one of us, she connected to everyone earning their loyalty and respect, and you know what?"

joe said as I listened intently holding my breath as to what he was going say, id never heard his side.

" what"

"all those people that you had said were probably forced into working under her were there only because they eith needed to be or wanted to be and if anyone wanted to leave even though no one did she would accept their decision  with grace and respect." joe said his hand curling around my shoulder.

" that memory... or  attempt has  haunted me for so many reasons"

joe said rubbing my shoulder up and down

"what was it that you did" liam asked

joe snickered. " remember curiosity killed the cat, pup"

liam huffed. "I'm not a pup, pup, I'm an alpha."

I sat up completely void of emotion starteling both liam, espeacily joe who looked guilty now knowning I heard the whole conversation.

"you are no alpha Id say you haven't even gotten the position yet and are going around still establishing methods of treaties with neigbouring packs to whom only owe loyalty to your mother and father through their hard work." I stated looking him dead into th eye

"what would you know of treaties you-"

"what halfbreed?, low life, scum? ,infact mr alpha I happen to know a lot about treaties and earning peoples trust I also happen to know a lot about war and how to kill using a lot of strategic methods, during this time I have come to learn the extent of peoples powers, positions, and limits. so please would you do me the favour of shutting the fuck up and not talking about me like I'm some coacroach,  others wise if/when your mate finds out about this descussion she won't be as forgiving as I have been."

that shut him up, just as it added fuel to the fire of hate towards me.

after a few more moments of silence we drove into a small town surrounded by trees, the type of trees that made you think that someplaces in the world are magical, we continued driving through town until all that was left was the indestinct smell of trees and water. for some reason the creature inside of me was exstatic and excited although I had no idea why. so as I watch the countless tress go by I cannot help but to shrug it off....god I missed trees.

eventually we parked infront of a large 3 story building, even through the car you could hear the door being slammed shut out the back. soon enough when I opened the door 3 of my favorite guys came out Oliver stood in front with a grave look on his face seeing me he stood in formation infront of the other two who were laughing at our continuses joke, even Liana and Joe were laughing to Liams confusion.

Oliver had a strong build and was even stronger than he looked, he was one of the two trainers on my squads platoon. walking over I came up and slaped out my hand doing the familiar motions that had finally come to me after years of practising a nearly impossible hand shake. which simply put into words was two slaps, a grip, slide and finally a fist bump as Joe would call it laughing at me.

repeating the motion and finally finishing it Oliver pulled me into a giant big brotherly hug whispering into my ear how much he had missed me and that we needed to talk later.

pulling away I left all joking manners aside for a split second and nodded in his direction accepting his request. looking to the left I saw the other two guys M was certainly larger than the 5 of us put together, muscle wise that it but hes still really tall, but he was mainly the chillaxed type of guy who was always loyal to his friends which I made the worlds stupidest decision of working out the hard way many years ago. Jake on the other hand was a sly fox who i was most graciously awarded his devotion and respect towards myself, but thats a whole other story that  really doesnt need to be repeated. "how are my favorite ladies huh? haven't seen you girls in ages."Jake jokingly punched my arm his lanky body great in his job as a tracker. M on the other hand growled at him in an over protectingly manner as to not hurt me. because he was the muscel of the group he was or used to be my main hussler,

"hush now Teddy, now weres my welcome i dont get a hug?" i asked making him shake his head and laugh before engulfing me into a hug."

"your too cute for your own good girl! " he said with his american accent shinning through.

"yeah Teddy come give me a hug?"Joe said all girly like.

"sure when would you like it?" i just smiled completely baffled by these guys and how i never noticed that i have missed them so much. whilst the two women (Joe and M) were fighting in the back i turned to Oliver.

"hey Olive, mind showing me where im staying?" i asked

simply nodding i followed him into the cream mansion and up the first flight of stairs. before being shown to the room on the end with a black door. opening it up i found a black and white themed bedroom with a small black desk that stood on white carpet. "wow this is amazing!"

"i thought you might like it!, well i'll leave you to get setteled... oh by the way where going to the pub tonight like old times Liana's suggestion you know.. as a catch up"Oliver spoke with a huge smile on his face.

i smirked and then laughed turning back around i threw my 2 bags of luggage onto the black and white bed and started to unpack hearing the soft click from the door closing behind one of my closest friends.

just like old times huh... arsehole ;p

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