The Human Bomb

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One last glance at the mirror. Lana Lindson's black skintight jeans and her T-shirt gave her a confidence boost, and she soon found herself smirking at her reflection. The words KEEP CALM AND FOLLOW ME, printed in huge, bold red characters on her T-shirt, couldn't fail to catch one's attention. Her hypnotising eyes were accentuated by a thin layer of eye shadow. Yes, Lana Lindson was ready for school. She rushed downstairs and headed towards the door.

"Bye guys," Lana said, heading out of her house. Her parents mumbled a reply, while her elder brother continued to snore. It didn't matter for Lana, though. It was the first day of school, and just like the last three years in J.K. Academy, she was sure to get all the attention she needed.

Lana felt free as she walked down the few blocks from her house to the bus stop. She turned on her iPod, and music suddenly blasted out of her earphones. School, here I come, she thought.

Most students knew Lana, the one and only Lana Lindson. Guys could do anything she asked for, and no female student could see her in the corridor without feeling a pang of jealousy. Heads whipped in her direction when she walked. One single word and everyone would freeze. One dazzling smile and she would catch another prey. Lana was —and knew she would always be— J.K. Academy's human bomb.


Lana's POV:

"Lana, babe, you look gorgeous as always," a voice said behind me. I sighed and turned, only to come face to face with Michael. His blue eyes gleamed happily, and he ran a hand through his thick blond hair, a trick that would make most girls swoon. His white shirt and black jeans looked like they were made for him. No wonder all these girls were looking at us with cold glares. No, Michael Steward, your tricks never worked on me and never will, I thought. I looked at him warily.

"Steward..." I said, sending him my sweetest smile. "I already know that, dear, and I don't think I need you to tell me that."

His smirk immediately disappeared and he stood there, staring at me.

"Still the same, huh?" he asked. " Don't worry, babe, you will become mine soon."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You wish," I said, and turned my back to him, heading inside. Behind me, I could hear loud laughter. Some boys were even hooting. A small, satisfied grin crept its way across my lips. I flipped back my long, straight black hair and walked to my locker.


"Laaaaaaana!" my friend Skye shouted. She hugged me quickly, before starting her long story on her 'simply awesome and wonderful summer holidays'. I listened to her, at the same time putting my books in my locker. It had become a routine for me during the past three years in J.K. Academy. Skye would tell me about her amazing holidays first, before heading to class. She had always been there for me, at least during the five years we had known each other. Initially, I was nobody in particular, and it was also the case of Skye. Everything had started that one particular day like today, when I had walked in the Academy confidently. Since that day, I had always been in the centre of attention.

Skye suddenly stopped in her narration and stared behind me, raising one eyebrow.

"What?" I asked. I turned to look at whatever had made her stop, because believe me, if there was anything Skye liked the most, it would be to boast about herself. My eyes widened when I saw my biology teacher.

"Mrs Oliver!" I gasped. She saw us, and headed our way.

"Good morning, girls," she said. Mrs Oliver and us girls were quite close. She was almost like an elder sister to us, and we never felt awkward about it all. In fact, she was the one who made Skye and I love biology. This year, we were both taking it as a main subject. That wasn't what had made Skye stop though. It was rather the fact that Mrs Oliver looked chubbier, and slightly fatter.

"Mrs Oliver, are you..." Skye trailed off. It took me a few seconds to realise what she meant, but Mrs Oliver was already nodding her head vigorously.

"Oh my God!" I squealed. "I am so happy for you Mrs Oliver!"

She smiled and grabbed us both in a huge hug.


"Did Michael attack you already?" Skye asked me during our short break. She popped a fry in her mouth, while I sipped my milkshake. The first two classes had passed by very quickly with the teachers introducing our new syllabus to us.

"You bet!" I huffed. "Seriously, doesn't he have enough girlfriends already?"

Skye grinned at me." You know that Lana Lindson is worth much more than these girls!"

"Yeah right," I replied, smiling proudly. It was a very well-known fact in the Academy. I had never dated anyone, and I had rejected hundreds of proposals. I just didn't need a guy. I liked to feel independent. I liked to get my own ways. Skye too had gone by that law. We lived by ourselves, and for ourselves. All we did, all our achievements, all our success and honour, we owed it to no one else except us.

After all, I am Lana Lindson, and I rule the world, don't I? I thought.


Well, first of all, Bismillah.

You people must be wondering what kind of book I am writing. It is actually about Lana, as you probably already know. Don't worry, it is a spiritual story, but not right at the beginning. I just hope you guys will like it.

Anyways, please people, vote and comment.

And, before I forget, this chapter is dedicated to SolaraHaven. The awesome cover is made by her. Do check out her work. By the way, May Allah reward you sista.



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