25: Sweet Jealousy.

Start from the beginning

Philip nodded. "Can we go see her?"

"I can go alone later."

"Florence, please, let's go together." He pleaded and squeezed my shoulder.

After I consented to Philip accompanying me to the hospital, he went back in to change into decent clothes while I waited in his car, the one he recently purchased.

When we got to the hospital it was past visiting time but the hospital security guard still allowed us in. That's where I finally convinced myself that affluence, fame and power has the power to obstruct people's sense of judgement.

I had a scowl on my face when we passed the gate and even a greater one when some of the nurses tried to flirt with my boyfriend right under my nose. They only stopped when Philip wrapped his hand around my waist in an intimate manner.

After our visit to the hospital, we left with the good news that mom's health is improving. With smiles on our face, Philip and I walked to his car parked outside the hospital only to be greeted by the paparazzi.

Philip groaned as they started approaching us with their weapons and obnoxious smiles.

"We're stuck in this together babe." I muttered under my breath praying he heard me.

Creases formed on his forehead as the first reporter started shooting random questions at us.

"Mr Philip, is she your girlfriend?"

He answered with a nod.

The next reporter picked up the pace.

"When did you two start dating?"

And a final question threw me off-guard.

"Is she pregnant?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up in response as everyone's eyes fell on me.

Philip sensed my discomfort and told them off.

"That was really something." Philip huffed as he drove out of the hospital's premises.

"They can be so annoying at times." I grumbled and stared at the steering wheel which turned here and there at intervals..

"And nosy too, I'm sorry you had to experience that."

"There's no need to apologize."

Philip placed his right hand on my thigh, making me fear the car would swerve off the road.

"My place or yours?" He demanded.

"Yours." I replied and pushed his hand away from my thigh. "Concentrate on your driving, will you?" I scolded as he attempted to return his hands to my thighs again.

"I can't keep my hands off you. You're so tempting."


"Wow!" This place is amazing." I gushed, staring at the beautiful scene before me.

Philip's house was quite simple. It looked like any other bungalow around but it was quite larger, like the size of ten bungalows drove put together.

There were guards stationed at the front gate and as my boyfriend drove through, they saluted him.

When we got to the entrance to his garage, he pressed his thumb on something fixed to the wall and the huge door began sliding upwards.

I gasped as the sparkle of so many cars reached my eyes. Different car models were parked in a straight line and the lights hanging above them did the whole job of making them glimmer.

END OF THE BEGINNING Where stories live. Discover now