Chapter 2: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Standing directly behind him was Shaun Masters, holding his revolver up. “Point one to the living. I don’t reckon you want to taste two?” Alcide snapped, and moved toward Shaun. And Shaun rightfully reacted with firing the gun again. But little did he know Alcide had assistance. Appearing on the side, Scar, the muscle, had appeared. He reached out, grabbing the gun from Shaun and tossing him aside and into the wall. “Would you look at that? It appears I have my own cavalry too!” Alcide spoke, moving toward Nasir. “Now, where was I, gramps? Oh, that’s right.” Before he could finish speaking, Nasir took the sword and attempted to stab Alcide with it.

But Alcide reacted quickly, and placed two hands on the blade, delaying his being punctured. “I don’t think so.” Alcide spoke, before knocking the blade out of Nasir’s hand, and lifting him up by the throat. “You’re pretty strong for a human, what’s the secret? Martha Stewart cooking?” Nasir stared intently without smiling. “I do not understand the modernism in your joke. But I have been endowed by the fracture of the power the Miracle Child will have.” Nasir broke free from his submission, and managed to super shove Alcide into the wall.

Alcide looked at his watch, and would then stand up. “Scar, end this.” Alcide barked out. Scar would then grab Shaun and bit into his neck, draining his blood. “Ah, a little help ova’ere! I’m pretty much donating to the hospital, and I’m no organ donor.” Shaun cried out. Scar’s eyes opened up, and he felt as if he had been split open. Turned out he was. Cadence had sent the sword Alcide knocked away, straight into his back. It was only inches away from Shaun. “Cutting it a little close, are we?” Shaun spoke, removing himself from Scar. He went into his pocket, revealing brass knuckles made with silver.

“Now, it’s my turn.” Shaun threw a fist, hitting Scar and dropping him to the floor. “Woo wee! That right there left a mark, you alright now?!” Shaun yelled out in excitement. He would then hit him a couple of more times, knocking him to the floor, before kicking him in the face. “Don’t mess with the Masters, boy. I’d make Clint Eastwood look like a pacifist.”

Cadence, after her brief moment of heroism, found herself backed into corner. Alcide looked at his watch for a second time, and super sped to Scar, picking him up off the floor. “Alright. You have the upper hand, and you’re obviously well equipped to kill us. But listen to me. You have a choice.” Alcide said, smiling deviously. “Oh yeah, and what choices would those be? Killing you, or killing you?” Shaun spoke out, jokingly before turning to Nasir whose face stayed straight. “You gave the same option twice, your logic is flawed.” Nasir spoke, which unnerved Shaun. “I know, I meant… well. You know what, what choices do we have, vamper?”

“Well, you could stay here and fight me to the death, yours. Or, you could try and make it back home, McKenna. You see, while you were all so busy fighting me. I’ve been stalling. Just about now, Riot, Meredith, and Alexander are all probably introducing themselves to her parents.” Alcide spoke out with a smile.

Cadence looked visibly worried, turning toward her two saviors. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I need to get home. We can worry about them later; I need to make sure my people are safe.” Cadence spoke, hoping they’d understand. Shaun looked at Nasir, and Nasir looked at Shaun. “No. They must die.” Said Nasir, who stepped to attack the vampires. “Yo! The lady said she needs to check on her family. Now you can stay here and fight. But if she dies there, then you pretty much failed as her protector, bud.” Shaun spoke out, assisting her around the vampires and toward the exit.

“Another time, fiend.” Nasir spoke, moving around the vampires to follow Cadence and Shaun. Alcide mocked Nasir, and lifted Scar up onto his shoulders, before utilizing his super speed and leaving the scene. The hallway was left a mess, and this would be something to talk about the next day at school. Fortunately, it was a Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2012 ⏰

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