Priya's Birthday Part 2

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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few months! I've just been so busy with final projects for school 😭 My exams are this week but I found time to write this up for u guys! This chapter is dedicated to Aishwarya0001 who left Wattpad bcuz of school! Will miss her and her amazing fanfics greatly! Now onto the story...

Later in Priya's house:
"Vaishu, Akka, I need to talk to u guys." Priya says "Are you trying to get us to tell you what Valiamai got u for ur bday?" Vaishu asks. Priya leans against her vanity and sighs. "No." "Priya are you okay? It's your birthday, and you seem so dull and worried?!" Kavitha inquires, noticing Priya's odd state of mind. "I'm fine. I think. It's just- how do I word this? Remember this is just between us okay? No one else." Priya says. "Who are we going to tell Chechi, spill the beans!" Vaishu says. Priya takes a deep breath. "I'm asking you two because Akka, you are more experienced in life than me, and Vaishu because she tends to know more about me than I know about myself. Stalker," Priya chuckles. Vaishu playfully punches her arm. "Anyways... I.... for the first time in my life, I'm speechless..." Priya says. "My mind is all mixed and I don't know what to think or feel anymore." "Is this about Arjun Chechi?" Vaishu asks, wrapping her arm around Priya's shoulder. "Is it Priya? Do you finally know how you feel about him?" Kavitha asks eagerly. "Wait what?! No!... I mean... yes.... wait how did u know Akka? Vaishuuu...." Priya rambles. She gives Vaishu a glare, Vaishu laughs. "So what about Arjun?" Kavitha pushes. "I.... Don't know.... I feel this weird feeling in my chest whenever he's around.... I-I..." Priya stammers. "You love him!!!!" Vaishu squeals. Kavitha hugs Priya. "Maybe... Idk... But, Amma won't agree, she will say studies first, and I don't want to go against her or mess up my studies..." Priya says. Suddenly, Manju rushes in and squishes Priya into a hug. "Oh molei, I couldn't be happier for you! Kavi and Vaishu told me about  Arjun, and he seems so sweet and smart. He's the perfect one for u, matching in beauty and brains!" "Were you listening to our conversation Valiamai?" Vaishu asks playfully. "Iva oruthi, Priya molei don't worry about my approval, if you are happy that's all I need. BUT like I always say, finish your studies, before anything, and I mean ANYTHING." Manju says strictly. She and Vaishu and Kavitha squeal while Priya hides her face with embarrassment. "We will need to meet his parents to discuss for ur wedding of course," Manju starts, wen Priya clasps her hands. "Ma, I'm only in my final year of Uni, *Changed Age to Final year of High to final year of University* let some time pass before the talk of wedding." Priya finishes. Priya starts again, quietly, "do you think he likes me back?..." hiding her face immediately after. "Chechi !!!! Of course-" Kavitha clasps a hand over Vaishu's mouth. "Look at the way he treats u and find out yourself Priya," she smiles. Manju agrees, and she, Vaishu and Kavitha start talking about how cute they are, when Priya's phone rings. "It's Arjun," Priya admits when inquired. "Pick it up and on speaker!" Kavitha ushers. Priya does so accordingly.
A: Hey birthday girl!
P: Hi,
A: I haven't given you your gift yet, remember?
P: Yah ('Gosh why am I so tongue tied')
A: I'm right outside your house, come out and I have a surprise for you.
P: Kay

A loud squeal is heard. Kavitha and Vaishu quickly shove Priya out and watch hidden in the window. "Hey bday girl," Arjun smiles. "Hi," Priya replies. "What, why are you so quiet today?" He raises his eyebrows with a smile. "Trying to be good on ur bday or what?" Priya shrugs and smiles. "Why am I so tongue-tied?" She thinks to herself. "Is it because I know I love Arjun?" She feels a blush threatening to rise up on her cheeks. She sits down on the bike behind Arjun, the same way she did earlier in the day, and they were off. After a while you hear a ring and Arjun stops the bike off to the side. "One second," he says, checking his phone. Vaishu was calling, but Priya didn't know that. Arjun picked up the call.
V:Don't tell Chechi but all's good!!!
A: What?
(In the background): Vaishu! Why did u tell him!! We were supposed to let them figure out themselves!
V: Kavitha Chechi, I'm only giving them a nudge! Anyways enjoy Arjun!!!
She cuts the line.
"Who was it?" Priya asks. "Uh, Manoj, he wanted to know when I was coming home, but then Sukanya made him cut the call." Arjun lies simply. Priya smiles as they get back on the bike and continue their journey. This time Arjun goes over all the bumps on the road, causing Priya to hold Arjun tighter and be closer to him. "Where are we going?" She inquires innocently. "You'll see," Arjun smiles. They travel for some more time, letting the wind fly through their hair, and their hearts do the talking. Some time later they reach a a large field with a large hill. Without a word he grabs her hand and they run together to the hill. Arjun expects Priya to hesitate before sitting down on the grass, and lays down his sweater for her to sit on. "You didn't have to do that you know, I don't mind sitting on the grass." Priya says, brushing the hair out of her face. "Didn't want u to ruin your special birthday dress," Arjun sits down, patting his sweater beside him. "Right," Priya sits down beside him, "forgot about that." She smiles at him, and they have an eyelock. "Here" Arjun pulls out a red velvet box from his pocket. "Your birthday gift." A flash of worry, excitement, and confusion flashes across Priya's face. "Jewellery?" She thinks to herself. Despite how naive and innocent she is, even she realized that Arjun could be proposing to her right now. But Arjun doesn't go down on one knee... he hands the box to Priya, and smiles. Hesitantly, she opens the box. She gasps, as her eyes tear up. Arjun takes the charm bracelet out of the box and puts it on her. "This charm," he explains pointing to the plus, "symbolizes when we first met, in math class." "And when we realized that we are both equal in the smarts, since we both got perfect on that quiz." Priya adds. They share a laugh. "This dress charm represents the talent show which you and Vaishu won. We were all so proud of you guys, especially me." A tear escapes Priya's eye. Arjun continues, connecting each charm to an event. "This... this is the best! I can't believe you went through all this trouble to get me a custom bracelet! How did you know?" She jingles her wrist. "Kavitha and Vaishu told me about your long time desire of having one." He admits. Priya thinks back to when she saw Arjun in the store with Vaishu and Kavitha. "So he went with them just to get me the perfect gift..." Priya thinks. She becomes overfilled with emotion and squishes Arjun into a hug. He hugs her back and they sit like that for a moment. Arjun hesitantly places a light kiss on Priya's head. He hopes and believes that she didn't feel it, but she does. And she doesn't mind at all. They part a few moments later as the sun starts to set. Together they watch the sun set, with Priya's head on Arjun's shoulder and his arm around her. It was the perfect way to end a perfect birthday. In the distance unknown to them, Vaishu took pictures of every single moment.

Arjun drops off Priya back at her house. "Thank you," Priya says, climbing off his bike. Arjun lifts his eyebrows smiling, "what for?" "Everything..." Priya whispers. "See you tomorrow?" Arjun asks. Priya nods. "Happy Birthday again," he flicks her nose before driving off. She stands there for a moment smiling to herself. Her heart flutters in her chest. Smiling to herself she runs into her house where she is immediately bombarded by her family. "So what did he get you?" Her dad asks her. "You too pa?" He shrugs and laughs. Vaishu grabs my arm and looks at my new bracket. "Oooo, so this is what Arjun mama got you huh? Each charm probably represents something am I right?" She says. I slap her arm playfully. "Mama?" I question. "Whoever marries my Akka is my mama is he not?" She laughs. "Wait! That means Sukanya, and Manoj have to call you Anni now!" She rambles. "Hold up, Sukanya and Arjun are twins! Why would Sukanya call me anni then?" Priya questions. "Hah! So you accept that you are going to marry him!! Besides she is still a couple minutes younger than mama!" Vaishu hugs Priya. Priya blushes and tries to run to her room, but Vaishu holds her back. "He really is a sweet boy isn't he?" Manju comments. Priya's blush depends. This time she successfully escapes Vaishu's grip and runs into her room. Sitting down on her bed she smiles thinking of Arjun. Lifting her wrist she kisses the charm bracelet, excited for what was to come for them.

Ahhh hope u guys love this chapter as much as I did writing it! I just love writing these cute moments even tho I'm not that good at it 😜

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