Damaged Goods (Jack + Conor)

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Please could you do one where Jack gets raped? If you don't want to I understand and hope it isn't hard for you to write?💜

A/N - if you get triggered by the subject of rape, please don't read this. I hope anyone reading this doesn't get upset as I have tried my best. I have tried to do justice to the subject as best as I can and don't want to offend or upset anybody. I understand how serious this subject is and by no means agree with or condone this kind of behaviour. I just wanted to bring awareness to the issue. Please do not hate me for what I have written xoxo


Jack knew it wasn't a good idea. He knew he shouldn't have walked away from his drink and left it unguarded. He knew the first rule was to never leave your drink incase someone drugged it. But he did. And he would regret that choice for the rest of his life.

Him and the boys were in the club, having a night out. Jack had had a few drinks, he wasn't drunk, just a little tipsy. And he was enjoying himself. Really enjoying himself. He had just bought another drink, but as he was about to take it, he saw his brother motioning him over. Jack left the bar and his drink to go and speak to Conor.
"Jack, we're leaving in about half hour, make sure you're ready by then"
"Sure thing" Jack replied before returning to the bar. He didn't notice the odd taste in his drink. He didn't notice the eyes watching him from the other side of the room. He didn't notice he was in danger.

Jack was starting to feel lightheaded and a bit dizzy, so he stumbled outside to get a bit of fresh air. As his knees gave out, he felt someone grab his arm and hold him up. He looked up to see a large man, who looked to be a few years older than him.
"Careful there buddy, I think you've had a few too many"
"I'm fine, just a lil diz-dizzy" Jack slurred.
"Why don't you come over here and clear your head a little bit"
"No no 'm ok, my friends are waiting for me"
"It'll only take a minute. Come on, I'll look after you"
The man dragged Jack round the corner and down an alley. He pushed Jack up against the wall and stroked his cheek. Jack flinched and turned his head away.
"Please can I go, my friends will be looking for me"
"Now now, let's not rush this. I've been waiting all night to have you all to myself"
"That's right. And now I've got you. All to myself. And nothing is going to spoil it for me"
"Help! Let me go!" Jack cried out, before the man slammed his hand over Jacks mouth to silence him. Jack struggled, but the man was stronger.
"Good boy good boy, I know you want it" he hissed into Jacks ear, the boys eyes widening in fear at the reality of what was happening.

Jack tears streamed down his face as the man yanked his trousers down and slammed him harder against the wall. Jack was crying, begging him to stop. But he wouldn't. He didn't. He did it. Jack cried out as it happened, wishing he could just die in that moment. He wondered what he had done to deserve this. Wondered why this happened to him. He eventually went slack. His body numb with pain, and he let it happen over and over again.

The man left him, alone in the alley, clothes torn and trousers on the ground. Jack was curled up against the wall, staring at his wrists where bruises were starting to form. He couldn't move. He was in too much pain. He was in shock. He heard his phone ringing, but he didn't move to answer it. It rang again and Jack registered the ringtone. He reached his hand out and grabbed the phone from the floor. He answered without checking the ID.
"Jack?" He heard his brother say.
"Jack are you ok?" Jack couldn't reply.
"Jack! What's wrong with you?"
"Help" he managed to whisper.
"Oh my god what's happened. Jack talk to me. Where are you? What happened?"
"Corner. Drugged. Hurt" he mumbled, not really understanding what he was saying.
"I'm coming Jack, hold on" Conor said, already walking out the club. Conor looked down all the alleys he could see until he saw a figure hunched against the wall down one of them. He spirited down it until he reached the body.

"Jack!" He shouted, collapsing beside his brother.
"No! No! No! Get off!" Jack screamed, trying to move away.
"Hey hey, it's me Conor. You're safe now, no one can hurt you"
Jack looked up at Conor and saw his big brothers eyes looking at him in concern.
"Yeah it's me. I'm gonna help you ok buddy? I'm gonna make it better"
"The man he-he" That was all Jack got out before he broke down crying. Tears streamed down his face as he gasped for breath. Conor grabbed his baby brother and pulled him onto his lap.
"Shh shh, I got you. I'm here. You're safe" He soothed, stroking Jacks hair.
"Don't let him hurt me. Please" Jack begged, mumbling into Conors shirt.
"I promise I won't. I'm going to take you to a hospital so they can check you over ok"
"No no no! No hospital! No more!" Jack screamed hysterically.
"Jack jack, calm down. You need help. And something happened. You're hurt. You need a doctor"
"You can't leave me. You can't let him get me"
"I'll never let him get you. Just let me take care of you" Conor said, pulling Jack up to stand. It was then that Conor noticed the absence of clothing on Jacks lower half and he gasped. It all made sense. Conor linked it all together and shed a tear when he realised what had happened to his baby brother. Jacks knees gave out, as he stood and fell into his brother. Conor held him against him as he grabbed his phone and dialed 999.

The ride to the hospital was agonising. Jack held onto Conors hand like it was a lifeline. As soon as someone tried to ask Conor to leave, Jack screamed and threw a fit. The doctors had ended up sedating him to make sure Jack didn't harm himself. As Jack was wheeled into the room, Conor was held back, and left to talk to a doctor. He was told to fill in the forms and wait for news about his sibling. The wait was torture for Conor. For hours he sat there, waiting for news about Jack, not knowing what was going on. Eventually a doctor came out and told Conor that he could go in to see him. They filled him on Jacks condition, but Conor already knew. He already knew what that man did to his brother.

Conor gasped as he walked in Jacks room. His brother looked so small, so innocent. The wires seemed to cover his whole body and he was as pale as the white sheet beneath him. He walked over and sat besides him. He grabbed his hand and spoke to him softly.
"Hey buddy"
"Hi" He rasped out.
"How you doing?"
"Hurts. Tired"
"I know. You'll be better soon though"
"I won't"
"I can't get him out my head. Every time I close my eyes he's there" Jack whimpered, tears falling from his eye.
"Hey hey, shhh. We'll get you help. We'll help you get better"
"Please don't leave" he whispered, clutching Conors hand.
"I won't leave. Not now. Not ever"
"I promise. Now get some rest buddy, it'll all be ok soon"

And Conor kept his promise. He never left Jacks side until he was ready to come home. He comforted Jack when he had nightmares. Dragged him out of flashbacks. Held him when he was down and talked him out of his negative thoughts. He did his best, and it worked. Jack was getting better, slowly but surely. And one day, maybe he would be able to trust everybody again. And maybe it wouldn't hurt so much when he was reminded of what happened. Regardless, Conor was going to stand by his brother and make sure he never got hurt again.

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