Outta My System

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Thank you for all the views and comments on this book...it probably has like only 5 chapters tops left though guys...

What do you think about that?

Enjoy though :)


::Roc's POV:: 

{One Week Later}

(5:47 P.M.)

"Chresanto, what are you doing?"

I looked up from the phone. I guess she overheard my big order.

"Ordering chicken..."


"Well I need a huge favor from Craig and I haven't been talking to him all that much lately."

She laughed. "So you think 3 buckets of chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and macaroni will make up for it?"

"Yes." I said, ending the call. I had 30 minutes before the food was delivered to his house so I needed to get going.

"May I ask what this favor is?"

"We need Jawan Harris here for next Saturday. It's Jamiya's birthday and she promised to...do some things...if I didn't make it up to her for taking Alex."

"Ohh okay." She said, raising her eyebrow.

"And you know, he's performing here this Thursday. Craig's dad can talk to him since he works there. Miya won't suspect a thing."

"Well good luck."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"You should get going before Craig has to pay for all that food you ordered."

"Right." I said, kissing her cheek. "Bye mom!"

I hopped in the car, cranking it up and pulling out of the driveway. His house was about 15 minutes away from mine on a good day. And a good day means no traffic.

After 10 minutes of driving like a maniac, I was there.

I knocked in the door twice, shoving my hands in my pockets.

I stood there for 5 minutes before he came to the door.

"Oh look who it is...We've forgotten about our friend huh?"

"No, its not even like that...I've just been busy."

He side-stepped me, shutting the door. "Yeah, busy in the bullshit. I heard. Its getting out of hand and it's only been 2 weeks."

"I know."

"I think you should just go ahead and tell her man."

I sighed. "I'm planning on it. I just don't want her to break up with me over some stupid shit like this, you know?"

"No...but we can pretend I do."

I nodded solemnly.

I leaned over and peaked out the door. They were right on time.

"Craig...someone's outside."

"Why don't you answer it?"

"It's not my house...but okay."

I walked to the door and opened it, taking some cash out of my pocket to pay for the food and delivery.

"That'll be $29.72."

I gave her 2 $20's and watched as she counted out my change.

"No, keep it." I smiled and she did too

(Not) Just a Dare - An MB FanFic [NEEDS EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن