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Sorry I took so long...LOL. @OMGBasedGoddess killed me with the no patience thing :P

This one's dedicated to @PrincetonsMainChick. What you said nearly made me cry and I appreciate it! Thank you so much <33

Okay, on with the story :)  


::4th Period; Friday::

I had been spaced out all day, replaying the night before in my head. I leaned forward on my desk, pretending to be paying attention as the substitute fumbled over the names on the class roll.


"Chresanto," I corrected, restraining from rolling my eyes. "Chresanto August."

"Oh okay...Jennifer Baldwin?"

One question: It wasn't cheating if me and Alex were never really together, right? I shook my head as I thought. I don't know and I didn't really want to find out.

One thing stood out as clear as day: I can't leave Casey alone...

"Okay um...your teacher wanted you to have a free day...after you finish this worksheet right here...and its due at the end of class so I suggest you get started."

She handed me a worksheet and I politely said 'thank you' before turning to Savannah, the smartest girl in the class.

"Hey Vannah?" I said, adding a smile.


"Can you take care of this for me?" I smiled again, making sure to use the sweetest voice I could. It never fails because, as usual, she smiled back and took the paper from my hands.

"No problem."

"Thanks babe." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked back to Ray and Prod, who were sitting at their desks working away. Ahh, the power of being me. I was still smirking in satisfaction as Prodigy looked up at me.

"Don't you have work to do?"

I chuckled. "Don't worry about all that, Craig."

"Oh no, you didn't. Again, Chris, really?"

"I did." I laughed, tapping Ray. They already know what it is.

"I need to talk to you."

"Have a seat, my friend."

I rolled my eyes but sat down anyway, getting comfortable on the seat before I said anything else.

"You know what went down yesterday with Alex?"

He nodded. "Yeah, she had something to do so you went home."

"Yeah...but after that Casey hit me up and wanted to chill, so I let her come to my place and some things happened."

"You fucked her?!"

"No! Well...almost. And keep your damn voice down Raquan!"

He sighed irritably. "What's with you and using everybody's government names today?"

"Get over it Ray." I rolled my eyes again, continuing my story. "Well now she said she'd come back so we could finish what we started and to be honest, she's making me wanna forget about Alex."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I didn't expect that question to come from Prodigy, but I turned to him, thinking on my feet.

"Yeah, but I also wanted his money because his dumb ass made the bet." I snickered and Ray glared at me. Ohh I'm shaking in my J's.

(Not) Just a Dare - An MB FanFic [NEEDS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now