The Life of a Player

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This one is dedicated to @Jay_BreezyFL.

I like to keep this in Roc's POV, but I'm gonna switch it up a little for this chapter.



::Alexandria's POV::

{Her Bedroom}

(3:32 A.M.)

I laid down on my bed, clutching the sheets as I remembered the couple hours before when Roc was here. I know what you're thinking: 'Wasn't this chick just bitching at him?!'

And yeah...I was. But I've liked Roc for the longest time...3 years. And all because I fucked up one time, he doesn't want to be with me. So I started bitching at him and he got even by going along with it, even when we got to high school. The only thing was, he's still pretending to be that hard player that everyone thinks he is. He spits game to every hot girl he sees and of course, they fall into the trap.

I turned, sighing. I can't believe I even did that...

***Flashback: 2 Years Earlier...***

::Alexandria's Old House::

{Front Steps}

(3:12 P.M.)

"When were you gonna tell me?" Roc asked, looking down at his hands angrily. I hated when he was angry with me. After all, he was my best friend.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't change anything Alex! You lied to me!"

"Roc, I didn't mean to upset you."

"So what were you gonna do when that douchebag left you? Huh? Because you surely didn't give a damn when you left your best friend high and dry to go hook up with that son of a bitch!" I blinked in shock, staring at him. Never have I heard him curse so much or so fast.

"He isn't gonna leave me," I said quietly, more to myself than anything.

"Then why did he tell me he only wanted you for sex, Alexandria? Why did he have to be the one to tell me what you were doing behind my back?"

"Chris, you're being ridiculous. Like your my boyfriend instead of Devon."

"DEVON DOESN'T EVEN LIKE YOU. What is wrong with you Alex? Why can't you see that? You're changing!"

"I'm changing? Oh I'm changing?! You're the one who never comes around anymore."

"You know that not my fault."

"Well whatever!

"I didn't think I'd see the day when you turned into a whore!"

"I'm not a whore Chresanto! Shut up!"

"You know what? Don't even talk to me!"


"I'M DONE. I'm cant believe that I ever even thought about liking you!" He said, storming off.

I sat on my front porch and just cried. I cried and cried until I couldn't focus because my head was pounding so hard. Then I heard a door slam and looked toward the August house next door.

"Trina, I'm sorry but I can't keep doing this."

"Hayden I love you! What am I gonna tell Chresanto? That his dad walked out because you don't love him?"

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