Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Bones rushed back in the transport room with the forgotten item, a large medical kit, around his shoulder. He glanced around and saw Scotty and Spock bickering with the two crewmen who were operating the teleport, but no Jim.

"Where the hell has Jim gone?" Bones asked impatiently.

None of them paid Bones very much attention and continued to sort out whatever they were fuming over.

Sulu walked in at that moment and also realized Jim's absence.

"Where-?" Sulu asked, pointing in the direction of the teleport pad.

"You've got me." Bones shrugged and turned towards the other men,"HEY!" He yelled,his voice gruff and commanding, and everyone quieted down.

"Where did Jim go and what's the problem?" Bones asked them as if they were all under his command.

"We seem to have come across an issue, Doctor." Spock informed Bones calmly.

"What happened?" Bones inquired.

"We donnae exactly know, but we do know the captain is gone, just like that poof! Haven't seen anything like it in all me days."

"Gone where?" Bones squinted in disbelief.

"Somewhere on the planet. We do not know his absolute location and his communicator seems to have been broken." Spock chimed in.

"Dammit, Jim. it's always you isn't it?" Bones grumbled. "How the hell did this happen?"

"We would tell you if we knew, Doctor." Spock informed him shortly,"Now if you'll excuse us, we need to locate the captain. Being beamed down to a planet without proper synchronization can prove to be lethal in many instances."

"Lethal?" Bones was beginning to get worried now.

Jim leaned against the large rock he landed on, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead as he calmed down. He opened his eyes and took a moment to check his surroundings. The area was sloped, rocky, and muddy; not unlike an earth mountain; it was covered in trees that resembled a common pine tree, but rather than green needles, they were blue and gold. The base of the tree was unusual though. It wasn't growing in dirt, it came straight out of a rock and the bark on the trunk was smooth and shiny like copper.

He looked around and saw a familiar object in a puddle of mud a few feet away from where he was sitting. Jim leaned over, attempting to reach the object but was stopped when a piercing pain shot up his side. He gasped and fell against his shoulder on the cool rocky surface. It felt refreshing with the warmth from the sun that beat down relentlessly on the planet. He rolled over on his back and leaned up to get a look at his side and choked a little when he saw his shirt was ripped and stained with a large amount of blood. If Bones were here, he'd be having a stroke, Jim thought to himself. He slowly moved his hand to his shirt and pulled it up to get a better look at his wound. There was a large, swollen gash that went from the side of his lower back to his front around his hip, and it was bleeding an excessive amount, covering his entire side with blood. When he touched the gash it was one of the most painful things he had ever experienced as it stung from the sweat and dirt on his hand. He laid his head back on the ground and attempted to catch his breath, but as his head touched the smooth rocky surface it pushed on the large bruise that had formed on the back of his head from his collision with the rock. He clenched his jaw and sat up quickly, which severely agitated his side and made his head spin. Jim leaned forward with his head in his hands to keep himself from passing out.

When the spinning finally ceased he felt the back of his head for the bruise and found that his hair was wet and felt the large bump that was causing him a great deal of pain. He brought his hand back from his head and there was blood on his fingers. When he saw the blood a noise escaped his mouth that was definitely not a whimper, because James T. Kirk captain of the USS enterprise does not whimper.

He remembered his communicator and reached for his pocket but it wasn't there. Pausing for a moment to think of what he should do now he recalled that the object in the mud had looked very much like his communicator. It took him a minute to adjust his body without increasing the pain that was already throbbing, but he painstakingly pulled himself towards the object and grabbed it. It was in fact his communicator, however, it was caked in mud and did not seem to want to turn on. He scraped the mud off of the outside of it and the buttons, but it proved to be a pointless task. Since when did a little bit of mud cause starfleet grade equipment to fail, he thought to himself There was something about this planet that seemed to run Jim the wrong way. Disappointed, he shoved it back in his pocket in case it did end up becoming useful and discovered that there was a bruise on his hip from falling against his communicator when he was rolling down the hill.

There wasn't much he could do at this point except hope that someone would come or man up and find a way to help his injuries. He needed to stem the bleeding quickly, but without his chief medical officer, Jim would have to make do with what was around him. He tilted his head back and gazed at the greenish-blue sky and hoped that somewhere up above the crew of the USS Enterprise was trying to find a way to rescue him.

Thanks for reading! Please tell me in the comments anything you think I ought to fix or make different! More words per chapter? I think so.

[Or just give me some feedback on the plot :)]

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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