Chapter 3 - The beginning of a new person

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"What do you mean Teme!" said Naruto, as he barged through Sasuke and Gaara looking into the mirror.

"WHATTTT!! NOT AGAIN" shouted Naruto as he runs into the cubicle and locking it, "Naruto get out of there!" said Sasuke, "No, never again, I'm am a MONSTER!!" Cried Naruto.

'What's happening to me' though Naruto as he began to panic.

'Listen kit, I really have to tell you something.' Said kyuubi

'This Is All YOUR FAULT!!!' Said Naruto making his eyes turns to a light purple.

'Kit chill. The more angry, frustration, sadness will make the changes faster' Said Kyuubi.

'So what do you want and why I'm changing into a fox hybrid thing?' questioned an annoyed Naruto.

'Again. Chill, we are emerging together.' said kyuubi.

'Why?' ask Naruto.

'It's because of our chakra, there emerging once it completely you will be human and fox hybrid.' Said Kyuubi being very calm in this situation.

' long does the transformation last for?' ask Naruto.

'Around about 10 days, which started today. But, for the next 9 days you will have 9 tails ' replied Kyuubi.

"Naruto open the door!!" shouted Sasuke and just then Kakashi comes into the bathroom, "yo what up" asked kakashi who is reading icha icha paradise, "It's Naruto he's locked himself in the toilet, and some thing wrong with him." said Sasuke in a worried tone.

"Naruto please open the door, it's me kakashi-sensei" said Kakashi, who is still look at his book, "No!! I'm turning into a monster!" Naruto said Kakashi look up from his book and starts to get worried "Naruto, I'm given you the count of 3 to open the door, 1....2....3 that it I'm kicking the door down" replied Kakashi as he kick down the door and Naruto is curled up into a ball. Kakashi goes into the toilet and crouch down, when he did Naruto look up to him and what Kakashi saw was unbelievable. Naruto didn't look like Naruto, if it wasn't for the blonde hair and his whiskers marks that are a bit thicker.

"Naruto what's happening to you?".

Till next time

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