Chapter 4》Single

Start from the beginning

"Tch. Fine." He said, getting up.

He walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in for too long, and scrolled back in Twitter.

There are more and more Tweets coming up about the Yoongi guy being desperate.

God, how am I supposed to face school tomorrow?


As I stepped in the halls, everybody had their eyes on me.

Not judging- no. Simply because apperantly, I'm like literally the only person who stood up to Yoongi before.

I mean, the Yoongi guy before.

"I have history today, so I won't be able to see you at all." Jimin says, taking out his books from his locker which was literally just beside mine.

"It's cool, I can take care of myself." I said, taking out my own books.

"Are you sure?" He asks, leaning on his locker door after closing and locking it shut.

"Yes, Chim. Don't worry." I said, ruffling the red haired kid infront of me.

"Aish, I styled my hair today! It took me time!" He whined, putting his hair back on place.

My eyes widen and my eyebrows lifted at the imformation he just blurted out.

"You styled it today? For who?" I asked, making Jimin freeze for a second.

"N-no one. Listen I have to go. Bye hyung." He said, avoiding my gaze.

I raised an eyebrow at him before shrugging the thought off.

I guess I'll just ask  him in another time.

I closed my locker door and was about to head for class until I spot a familiar blonde walking to my direction.

Instead of walking straight to where my classroom is supposed to be, I quickly took a left and ended up in the men's comfort room.

I rested my back on the wooden door, keeping my breathing to a minimum so I could hear his footsteps.

Luckily for me, he just passed by and was finally out of hearing.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Phew. That was close.

I brushed off the imaginary sweat and walked out the comfort room like I hadn't just tried hiding from someone who couldn't even do any harm to me.

As I entered my first class, I immediately found my way to my everyday desk and was about to take our my textbook and read while waiting for the teacher, until someone towered over me, making me look up.

"Excuse me, but you're in my seat." He said, making me inspect the desk as well as the chair I was currently sitting on.

"Hm, I don't see your name written here." I said, looking at him with an innocent look.

"It's because it's against the school rules to vandalize on school property, you idiot." He spat, making me smirk at him.

"Then how the hell do you think I'd know if this your seat or not?" I asked sweetly, resting my chin on my palm and my elbow on the desk.

"If I say it's my seat, then it's my seat." He argued, making a vein pop.

"You're just like him. No wonder you guys are best friends." I muttered, slowly standing up.

"But you're best friend's an even more of a cocky bastard than you are, Kyungsoo." I said, hovering over him.

The bell gave out a shrill sound, telling students that the teachers were already on their ways to their classrooms.

I looked at Kyungsoo one last time before turning to look for another empty seat.


Yeah, I just had to bring EXO into this xD
Sorry, but I ran out of characters and I didn't want to make up a character since I'm a lazy ass pig. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed! ;**


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