'Dan Castle' he said. 'Really...... why not here....... well if you insist'

'Right Kia, seems the police are here, they want us in the medical room oddly. I've been asked to escort you.'

'Can you stay with me Mister Castle' I asked. 'I'm pretty scared about what might happen.'

That's an understatement, I'm really beginning to freak out.

'Yes lad I'll stay with you, I expect social services will appoint you an adult to support you in this, so you won't be alone. Also, if I can help I will. You are a good student, with a lot of potential, you fought back, maybe a bit too hard, but fighting back against bullies is to be admired and I think should be supported.'

My mind continued to churn as we walk towards the medical room. I'm feeling super stressed and anxious by the time I get there. I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate or something.

Well as bad as I was feeling, my system went into overdrive when I saw who was in the room.

Drucker and his cronies, Begbie and Sarge.

All dressed same as before, like some kind of dark nightmarish stormtroopers. I'd no idea they were police.

Mr Castle carries on into the room and stands by the computer. Druker, looks at Mr Castle then fixates on me.

There is an uncomfortable silence, then Druker smiles, it's a rictus, no warmth no humor.

'Kia come in and have a seat on the bed' He says affably enough.

'Mr Castle, thank you for bringing him, you can leave now.'

I stay stock still, frozen in the doorway, internal panic hitting new highs. In the wild, I'd have bolted long ago,

'Mr Druker the boy asked me to stay.' Says Mr Castle firmly.

'Well Mr Castle I'm asking you to leave', says Druker speaking slowly, but never taking his eyes off of me.

'The boy has no guardian'. says Mr Castle firmly.

'Legally he needs to have a representative when meeting with the police. Mr Druker, I shall perform that role.' Says Mr Castle with finality.

Druker turns to Mr Castle, considers him briefly and hisses, 'Very well then.'

I still haven't moved, I'm not sure I can.

'Don't worry lad, I'm with you,' encourages Mr Castle.

With a supreme effort, I get my legs moving, I'm getting used to this heavy leg feeling.

I head in. Begbie is behind the door, standing directly behind Mr Castle.

I have to squeeze past Sarge who is once again standing against the filing cabinets on the right.

I go around Druker to get up on the bed.

Sarge moves up the room so he is standing in the far corner of the room up against the bed.

Drucker takes a step back, and opens up with his arms.

'Kia, we think you've been affected by this Scarlet Fever strain, the other cases we've come across have also involved random acts of violence.'

Well, that sounds like total BS. It was no random act of violence, I didn't start it and those guys were going to beat me like a piñata.

Also, Scarlet Fever. I didn't think so, was no doctor, but I'd looked it up online. I'd not see one reference relating to violence. These guys had some other plan, I was sure of it.

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