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Wednesday 22nd April 2022 - 1305

St Judes, Middle School and Orphanage - London

Nurses Room

The door opens and there sits Mrs Dervs the school nurse.

The room is spacious, I pass a computer station on the left as I walk in through the door. It's hardly state of the art. A relatively chunky tower connected to a flat screen. A black swivel chair is pulled out from the desk.

At the far end of the room, stretching almost the breadth of the space is a medical style bed.

The right wall is filled with cupboards, and filing cabinets, the contents of which I can only guess at.

The floor space is pretty substantial easily enough for five or six people. It's floor to ceiling white emulsion, with bright white strip lights giving the impression of sterility, which I guess is the point.

'What's it this time young Mr Sharp, you beating up those boys again?'

I really like Mrs Dervs, she's patched me up quite a few times now, she's pretty chilled about it. She's know's what happens, knows there's not much that can be done and does her best to pretend it doesn't matter. All of which makes me feel a little less pathetic.

'Ok, hop on the bed and let's get you sorted out.' she says. With that, she starts rummaging around in a small cupboard under the computer desk.

She looks me over, pokes and prods, applies some antiseptic to a couple of the scrapes and gives me a small ice pack for my eye.

'She shakes her head and sighs. 'Right off you go Mr Sharp, apparently I need to prepare equipment to take some blood samples. Something to do with the government, and I need to get it all ready. Really all very strange'.

'Ok Mrs Dervs, see you soon', I say.

'I hope not young man, I hope not!', she replies sarcastically as I walk out of the door.

I hustle back to class. On the way, I see Jolyon West, from my class being escorted by a giant of a man in a huge black trench coat.

He looks like Dwayne Johnson but huge and mean. He's channelling the Scorpion King or maybe evil Sarge from the Doom movie.

'Hey West, what's up' I say, Joylon looks up and stutters 'nurse'. The man pushes Joylon on and in a voice like gravel tells him to keep moving.

That was pretty weird.

I up the pace and reach the classroom.

It's an unremarkable wooden door, other than it painted green. This is the colour of business orientate classrooms such as accounting, marketing and for me economics. The colour scheme made no sense, and I'd long since decided the bright approach was down to the head trying to keep everyone positive and cheerful. Which was cool as Mr Castle was a positive and cheerful kind of guy. I have a lot of respect for him. As well as being a nice guy, genuinely interested in his student, he was an excellent English teacher.

I enter the room, and a small thin man in the doorway also dressed in black puts his hand on my chest looks up slightly and says 'Who are you'?

I try to take it in, everyone is lined up around the walls of the classroom. There is a lot of fidgeting, but no one's talking. Mr Castle, the head teacher I was just thinking of, is talking to a taller man in yet another long black coat. They are bowed, heads close together talking quietly.

The exclamation of the small man catches the attention of Mr Castle.

'Kai, join the line please. There's a good lad' he says kindly.

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