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"Even though he's your friend?" I asked looking down.
He looked up from his coffee his eyes silver, "technically he was my best friend from school", I hugged my stomach feeling nauseous, my head going heavy and chest tight. He smiled, "but it's okay, honestly after what I've done I'm surprised you'd forgive me. You're the most precious thing to me".
I dropped to my knees and kept my head down, feeling more guilty for what I've done.
"I'm going to say this once, so listen closely". He reached down and lifted a strand of my hair, "I pardon you of your sins and forgive your crimes". I blushed madly when he kissed the inky black strands. "Do you forgive me?"
I smiled and nodded, "I do".
He pulled me up to his lap, I looped my arms around his neck, lifting his head up he brushed his nose against mine. I leaned down and connected our lips as he held me tighter, as we parted he whispered three words. Three special words. I replied with "I love you too".

Kieth cane back to collect the dog and my favourite human.
I sighed carrying the cups to the kitchen. "Thank you for coming by".
They nodded as emerald bit his lip some glancing at Kieth.
Kieth smiled and nodded gesturing for his friend to speak up.
"Darling, would you like to come with us?"
I looked at him in disbelief.
"After all I've done, I'm surprised you'd ask that".
He smiled, "it's for safety reasons. It'd make me feel better if you did".
I smiled and nodded, "okay".
It took a bit but we arrived to Kieths house, the dogs happy to be together again.
"I'll show you to your room", Kieth said.
"I got it" Emerald interrupted, "gotta get her some sleep wear".
Kieth arched a brow but made no comment when the man grabbed my hand and lead me up a flight of stair to a room third on the right.
There was a double bed, a night stand and a dresser, with a window on the far wall.
He dug through the dresser, and pulled out a familiar blue long sleeve, with black sweats. "Here".
I took them and smiled, "thank you".
He turned and I laughed, "it wouldn't be the first time you've seen me half naked".
He chuckled.
I striped and slipped on the clothes, walking to him to hug him from behind my head pressed near his shoulder blade.
He turned in my arms and lifted my chin, "cute".
I blushed and closed my eyes as our lips met.
"To bad you just got changed".
He smoothed and lifted the hem up, "cause now we're gonna get you out of them".
I laughed, "do we now?"
He grinned and kissed me again, "I didn't here a no".
It was a heated battle, honestly I don't think we could've gotten out of the clothes fast enough.
It was nearly maddening.
We laid there holding one another, he reached over and produced a cigarette and a ashtray. Lighting it he passed me the stick after a puff.
It felt normal, as if it were meant to be. Passing it back I smiled and rubbed his chest.
"Thank you".
"Bringing me here, keeping me safe".
"Your welcome".
He laughed and shook his head passing the smoke back to me, "I care for you".
"As do I".
Finishing the smoke we cuddled closer, feeling complete once more.

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