Room 215

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I was reading through this book and realized what trash my writing used to be. Honestly the writing in my next series is sm better.

•Lucas POV•
"Lucas!" I heard Will and Dustin screaming behind me. I continued towards the lab swinging the door open abruptly when I got there. The two of them followed close behind as we weaved through the hallways.

"What are you doing?" Dustin yelled, forcefully grabbing my shoulder and yanking me backwards. I sighed, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I looked at the both of them, exasperated and nervous.

The whole series of events that had taken place in one day were really getting to my head. Finding out Polly was Landler's daughter. El in labor. Many, many, other things. But I can't stop to think about it now. My friends need me.

"We need to call Nancy and Jonathan." I said, my hands resting on my hips as I sawyed back and forth nervously. The two of them looked at me, confused at why I was acting so flustered. To be completely honest, I don't even know why I am acting so flustered. It's all a blur. But thinking about the look on Mike's face when he saw El freaks me out. The amount of pain in his eyes. I need to help him, he's my best friend.

"Why them?" Will asked, glancing around to make sure nobody else was nearby.

I sighed again, my hands flopping down to my sides as I just realized we were standing right in the middle of an evil government lab, vulnerable to anything that may be coming our way.

"They both know where the lab is and how to get here. Plus they have a car. They are gonna get us out of here."

•Max POV•
The car swerved into the hospital parking lot, El clutching her stomach tightly at the abrupt movement. I pulled the car to a stop at the door and let the two out, Mike literally having to carry her to the door.

As soon as I had the car parked I made my way to the desk, asking for wherever El had been sent. The lady scanned her computer screen lazily, her head barely moving as she looked at me. I sighed as she continued to look at me, some sort of odd judgmental look stuck to her face.

"Room 215" she grumbled, sipping her coffee and looking away coldly afterwards. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the elevator.

As soon as I got to the second floor, screams were echoing through the entire hallway, bouncing off each seperate tile on the floor.

"215... 215" I mumbled under my breath, my head darting back and forth from left to right.

The screams and cries were getting louder as I got closer to the room, and honestly i'm not sure how much closer I wanted to get. But before I knew it, I was infront of the room with black letters spelling 215 on the front.

•Mike POV•
I looked down at El, who was currently sprawled out on a hospital bed. Her hands and feet had been carefully and thoroughly wrapped and cleaned before they even brought up the baby. Then we were ushered into this room and before I knew it, I was sitting next to a screaming El with sweat practically pouring down my cheeks.

She turned her head weakly, looking at me with a pained expression, sweat and tears covering her face.  I carefully held her hand in my own, not wanting to cause her any more pain then she was already in.

"Mike-" she said, her voice shaky. I took my free hand and wiped her face off, pushing the sweaty strands of hair out of her face. She closed her eyes, fresh tears pouring down her cheeks.

"It's gonna be ok. I promise you it will all be over soon." I said quietly, scared myself. She nodded, not fully listening to what I was saying.

The nurse turned around from where she had been standing, gloves now on her hands as she approached the end of the bed. Before I could even process what she was doing, she was looking up at me, an unreadable expression on her face.

"She's ready to push."

when i update at literally 3 am. also this is so close to being over its so weird.

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