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•Lucas POV•
"You let her go you asshole." I grumbled, Max looking as though she were about to cry and Dustin ready to throw up.

El cried through the cloth, her chest heaving at a fast pace, sweat trickling down her face. I looked at her with worry, one of my best friends looking as though she was about to die.

"You all are insane if you think she is actually going to live through this. Her contractions are twice as painful as any normal pain, her body can't handle it. She's going to die." Landler stated, getting dangerously close to her as she pressed herself against the table, turning her head to the side as he breathed into her face. She cried, sealing her eyes shut as he backed away.

"He said, LET HER GO!" Dustin said, before running up to Landler and shoving him against the wall, throwing a punch at him, Landler struggling to fight back.

Dustin threw another punch, then another, blood streaming down his face as Dustin began to beat the crap out of him. Max and I ran over to El, removing the cloth from her mouth as Dustin threw one final punch, Landler falling to the ground.

"Help her up." I instructed as we all began to push her back up.

She screamed out in pain, begging for us to stop as we lowered her back down to the table, thoroughly confused.

"Lucas, look at her hands and feet." Max said, unraveling El's bloody fingers to reveal a giant nail hammered into her hand, holding her on the table.

We stood, unsure of what to do. Honestly, who nails someone's hands to a table? I looked down at Landler, shaking my head before mentally returning to the problem. Suddenly, El gasped for air and looked at all of us, her breathing still heavy as she caught her breath.

"Y-you ne-eed t-t-to pull t-them o-out of m-m-my han-ds." She stuttered, choking back tears.

I looked to the others, terrified and angered that Landler would ever do such a thing. Before I knew it, Max was reaching down and pulling the nail out of her hand, El screaming in agony. She threw the bloody nail down on the floor, reaching for the cloth that was in her mouth to apply pressure to the bleeding.

"Get more cloths." She said to Dustin, as he followed her command, running over to a counter.

She moved to the next hand, quickly pulling the nail out and dropping it, signaling Dustin to hand her a new cloth.

"She's loosing blood. Wrap them with that medical tape." She said, motioning to the countertop across the room.

I ran to get the tape, struggling to open the box and retrieve the tape. I pulled the top of the box off, throwing it to the ground and running to El's side.

I began to wrap her hand, keeping pressure on it as I did so, before looking at her tear stained face.

"Don't worry, we are gonna get you out of here." I said to her quietly, as she nodded in reply before screaming out in pain once again as Max removed the final screw.

She exhaled in relief, looking at me with a pained smile. I grabbed an extra cloth, wiping her face of the sweat and blood before smiling back, taping down the medical tape.

"You did it. You are going to get through this, just keep holding on, ok?" I said to her.

I looked to Max who was wrapping El's left foot tightly, trying to not cause any pain.

We have to get her to a hospital." Said seriously, taping down the medical tape.

El winced, surpessing a scream as she bit her tounge, shutting her eyes tightly.

"Shit, she's in labor. I forgot." Max said, running over to El's side.

"Just breathe, ok?" She said, pushing El's hair back as she continued to whimper in pain.

"Let's get her to the car." Dustin said, swooping in and picking her up carefully, heading for the door.

"What about Mike?" I asked, wiping the blood off my hands.

"He will have to wait." Max said, following Dustin out the door.

"I'm not leaving without Mike." El said weakly from Dustin's arms, trying to escape his grasp.

"El, don't move. If you want to find him we will find him." Max said, putting her hand on El's shoulder.

She nodded, relaxing a bit when she felt Max's touch.

"Well, let's go find Mike." I said, ushering everybody out of the room before turning to shut the door, looking back at Landler's body lying lifeless on the floor.

He is going to burn in hell.

Hey now! I updated buddies! There's actually some more to the story than what I thought. Oh well! Bye now!

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