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So, I haven't exactly edited this story and you may run into parts where it's past tense and others where it present tense but it's not a memory. So, just so you won't be confused af, I just want to warn you. There may also be spelling errors and whatnot, please just ignore those and read on. I don't need to see comments like "Did you mean..." like you're Google or some bull, like I know it's probably wrong, I haven't edited it, piss off.

Anyway, please enjoy Sinclair. Make sure to leave your comments and such and let me know what you think about it! I really do like reading your comments. At least the comments from people that give constructive criticism and aren't complete assholes!

Have fun reading Sinclair, I think you're really going to like him! I know I do!

P.S. Any comments that slut-shame will immediately be deleted. Not too long ago, I read a comment of someone who was slut-shaming the main character--for no reason, honestly, since she doesn't really do anything that could be considered "slutty"--and when I tried to talk to them and have a conversation, they were ignorant and refused to listen to another side and just had their head so far up their ass. I don't tolerate slut-shaming, racism, homophobia, transphobia or anything of the sort. A woman shouldn't be called a slut just because she has sexual thoughts and feelings. If I see those comments, I'm deleting them. End of story.

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