Just A Nother Normal Night. Right?

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A few hours later....

I finally got home when it was about 5 at night. I walked right to the dinning room to see my parents and Ben sitting down at the table getting ready to eat. Ben was the first one too see me walk in.
"Hey sis" Ben said
"Hey Ben" I said           
"Where have you been. I have not seen you all day." Ben said. He gave me a confused expression.
"Oh My God. I can't believe you forgot." I said very pissed off
"What do you mean I forgot?" Ben ask starting to get mad as well. I sat down at the table keeping my eye contact on him.
"What was going on today in sports today?" I asked wondering if can figure it out.
"I don't know" Ben said
"Unbelievable. Mom, Dad do you remember what was going on today?" I asked again looking at all of them
"I don't know. But you had a dress fitting today that you missed." Mom said. Dad just shrugged
"Unbelievable you all for got. " I said
I just got up  and started to leave when my dad started to talk.
"Where do you think I am going young lady" dad said
"I leaving because all you guys care about is Ben and the stupid coronation. None of  you really care about me or you would of remembered about the Swimming State Championships were today. You would of also remembered that I was swimming as well. But no you did not you forgot like usual." I said
"Why dose everything have to be about you Ally. When one thing is wrong you blame them or me. I'm sick of it." Ben said
"If you all ever pay attention you would of seen that I never complained about anything. When I got the lead in the school play, you never said congrats or even bother to show up. You never noticed when I won any of my games, or meets. None  of you realized anything in my life. But when Ben dose something he got high praised from you. But this swim meet was the one thing I thought you all would show up to. It was the one thing I asked for you guys to come. I had to beg for weeks until you said yes. I worked so hard and pushed passed the barrier to be at my absolute best because I thought you were all coming. But no when they called my name today saying that I broke all the records in my races i looked for you guy. But as usual you were not there. I don't even know why I try anyway none of you care." I said. I did not even realise that I was crying until I was done. I looked at my parents and Ben. They had shocked expressions on their faces. I turned and left the room before they could say anything.

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