Letter Seven

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Twenty-One Days After...

Happy birthday baby! It's March twenty-second! It's your fifteenth birthday!

I'm sorry for not getting you anything, I hope my love is enough.

It is, right?

I really hope so because I love you so much<3

Please, wherever you are, know how much I love and miss you, please. Please, please, please, please!

I'm breaking without you here Ken, I'm breaking!

Did you have to leave me? I bet you did! You wanted to leave me so planned your own death! It wasn't even real was it? It was all staged and your just out there, sitting. Sitting and watching me go insane!

Why the hell do you hate me so much?! I love you and you just go and get hit by a damn car!

Fuck the car, fuck the driver, fuck you, fuck me, fuck EVERYONE!

Everyone fucking hates me and I know it!

I fucking know it!


(Ps. Is water supposed to smell like alcohol???)

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