"Wait! What?" I asked my eyes widening. "They'll kill us if we show our faces there again!"

"Correction, they'll kill me if I show my face there again. They think it was me who pulled Kora through the floor because Saix caught me when I went to save Aimi." Axel said pointedly. 

"But how are we supposed to explain where we were this whole time?" I asked. 

"Simple. Say you were out chasing me." Axel explained. I tried to think of another excuse for me to go with him. I hated the organization! Besides always underestimating me, they always sent me on missions that they know I'll hate. Like that underworld mission. I shuddered at the memory of the mission in which Cerberus had almost bitten off my arm. I had looked like a wimp in front of Sora shouting "Run! Run away!" as I RTC'd. I felt a hand on my shoulder that brought me out of my memory.

"You have to go back Demyx. Xemnas isn't going to like that I betrayed the organization again and he's going to do everything in his power to either get me back or eliminate me. I don't wanna drag anyone else into this mess." 

"Alright..." I murmured. "I guess you're right. Well, good luck out there." Axel nodded and before I could say anything else, my only friend in the organization was swallowed up in a dark corridor. 

Kora P.O.V. 

I watched as Axel was consumed by a dark corridor. Now it was just Demyx and me. 

"Should we follow Yuffie and the others?" I asked him. He nodded. Together we set out through Hollow Bastion towards the Borough where the Hollow Bastion Restoration Comitee's headquarters were. I remembered the whole world from Kingdom Hearts 2 and Practically led the way there. When we got inside everyone was clustered around a bed that held the still unconscious Leon. 

"Kora?" A familiar voice broke through the fuss of the crowd. 

"Tim!?" I scanned the room and found him sitting on the stone platform in the center of the room.  "Tim!" I exclaimed. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. We hugged for a minute before he pulled away. 

"What the heck is going on?" he asked. "I was just sitting in my room playing Call Of Duty when these weird silver things came and attacked me! Then this guy with spiky red hair threw me into some kind of portal thing and I ended up here!" 

"I can't say that I exactly know what's going on either." I said. "I was playing Kingdom Hearts Two and this weird scene came on and all the characters became real and I fell through a portal and Demyx was in my basement and he pushed me into a portal that led to Twilight Town and Axel found me and now I'm here!" Everything just flew out of my mouth at once as I tried to explain my adventure to him. 

"Oh my God! So we really ARE in Kingdom Hearts!?" Another familiar voice came from behind me and I turned around to see Julie with the biggest smile on her face.

"Julie! You're here too!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but like how did we get here?" She  asked. "Is this a dream or what?" 

"This isn't a dream." I said. "Trust me, I pinched myself enough times to know." I held up my bruised arm for them to see. They both winced. 

"So how did we get in a video game then?" Tim asked. 

"Well, if we were actually in the game it would be following the storyline wouldn't it?" Julie asked.

I nodded. "I think...well...you're gonna think I'm crazy, but... I think that this is a whole different universe. Like in the game how Sora traveled to different worlds, but we traveled to a different dimension!"

Both of my friends looked thoughtful for a moment, but then Tim nodded. "I think I get it..." he murmured. 

"But why did they go to you Kora?" Julie asked. "Why not anyone else in our universe?" 

"I don't know..." I said thoughtfully. "Maybe Demyx will tell me..." I turned to find him among the crowd around Leon. I was about to call out to him when suddenly Larxene broke away from the group and came over to us. 

"So you're the ever famed Kora, are you?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, you don't look all that powerful. Do you have a keyblade or something?" I shook my head. She rolled her eyes. "Then what purpose DO you serve for us? Why did Xemnas want you if you can't even fight?" 

"I can too fight!" I protested. "I just said I didn't have a weapon!" 

"Oh really now?" Larxene said tauntingly. 

"Hey! Don't provoke a fight in here!" A soft voice behind us said. I looked back to see Aerith walking up to Larxene. "I wouldn't want to have to treat any more injuries today." She said with a glance over at Leon. "Poor Leon was just protecting these guys." She motioned to Tim and Julie beside me and   Larxene looked taken aback. 

"Well, it isn't my fault that Axel slipped up and forgot to tell both teams about the other." She turned to Demyx. "Let's go music boy!" She called to him. He gingerly walked over to her. 

"See ya later Kora." He said with a wave. Larxene opened a dark corridor and Demyx was about to enter it when I suddenly remembered that I was going to ask him something. 

"Demyx wait!" I called. He stopped halfway into the portal. 

"Yeah?" He called back. 

"Why does Xemnas want me?" 

Demyx looked thoughtful for a moment. "I don't think it's my place to tell you that." He said. "But I'm sure you'll find out soon." He waved at us before jumping into the dark corridor.

"Grrr. So many questions!" I murmured. I went over the top four in my mind in order of importance.

4. DID I have a keyblade?

3. Was I going to meet Sora soon?

2. Where was Aimi? She had been with me when it all happened so what did they do with her?

1. Why, of all people, were we here? Why us? Why were we so special? And why did Larxene say              Xemnas wanted me?

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