Chapter Five:

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I fell through the darkness, my scream echoing around me. I closed my eyes and prayed that it would end soon. Then I was harshly spewed out of the portal. I let out an eep as I hit the floor. I heard gasps all around me and a strangely familiar voice exclaimed, "Where did she come from!?" I opened my eyes and found three achingly familiar faces staring at me with concerned expressions. 

"Hey, are you okay?" A boy with spiky black hair and a headband held out a hand to me. I grabbed it and shakily stood up. 

"W-where am I?" I asked, even though I was pretty sure I already knew. 

"You're in Twilight Town," A girl with chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You came flying out of some hole in the wall!" The spiky haired boy exclaimed, using his hands to illustrate.

"I think it should be us asking you what happened." Another boy with sandy blond hair that was spiked up in the front and brown eyes came over to me. 

"I don't exactly know..." I murmured. They wouldn't have believed me if I told them anyway. 

"What's your name?" The girl asked. 

"Kora." I said simply.

"My names Olette." The girl said with a smile. 

"I'm Pence." The black-haired boy said.

"Name's Hayner." The last boy said. He didn't look half as interested in me as the others.

"Doesn't this seem kinda like deja vu?" Olette asked the boys thoughtfully. 

"Yeah! The same thing happened to that one girl, Kairi!" Pence explained.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about Kairi. I wonder how she's doing..." Olette looked thoughtful for a moment, but then she turned back to me. "So do you remember where you came from?" 

I shook my head. There was no way that I'd be able to explain my world to them.

"That stinks. Maybe we could have helped you get back to it." Olette explained.

I shrugged. And looked around. We were in the usual spot. "Nice place." I said smiling. 

"Thanks! We call it the usual spot." Pence explained. 

"Hate to interrupt, but the Struggle competition is about to start." Hayner said heading for the exit. "Can't exactly be late for that." 

"Hey, Kora, wanna come?" Pence asked. 

I knew I had to act clueless or they'd get suspicious. "What's the Struggle competition?" I asked innocently.

"It's where a bunch of Twilight Town's best fighters duke it out in the sandlot in town. They all have a bunch of orbs and their opponent has to try to take them. Whoever has the most orbs in the end wins the round." Pence explained

I nodded. "I guess I could watch," 

"C'mon then!" Olette half dragged me out of the usual spot and pulled me through town. Finally we came to the sandlot where a stage was set up for the event. Setzer stood in front of the stage, surrounded by fan girls and Seifer, Fuu, Rai, and Vivi were clustered in a corner of the the lot. All of them had disappointed looks on their faces. Right as we entered, the referee approached Hayner. 

"Sorry kids, but we don't have enough competitors for the competition today. I'm afraid it's been canceled." He explained. 

Hayner looked really upset. "I've been looking forward to the Struggle competition all summer!" he exclaimed. 

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