Book Reviews: Something about Summer

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Something about Summer by @awesome4evah


'It's going to be crazy, and reckless, and more wrong than right, but that doesn't mean it won't be memorable' -Raine Evans ~ All Raine Evans wanted was a peaceful summer. Instead, she's stuck in a ridiculous challenge, and partnered with her worst enemy, and best friend's brother, Kaden Fleming. It's Boys VS Girls and the loser will have to be the winner's slave for the rest of the summer. But Raine loathes Kaden and is certain she won’t be able to survive even a day being his slave. Which means she’ll have to win the challenge- no matter what.


So, I like this book but basically at the moment it's a bit ling winded for me. I like long chapters sometimes but this could have been a little shorter. Perhaps stopping when they got home? Your descriptions were good though :) another thing is, we as readers know what's going to happen in the story and that's not necessarily a good thing. However, I didn't notice any mistakes :) I know why I'm not enjoying this story as much as I could or normally would. The language and dialogue is too forced for me. I mean, you use words like dagnimt or whatever. Seriously damn isn't a swear in my opinion. People, say things like damn all the time, it’s part of natural and relaxed conversation. Oh yeah you put me of by talking about how wonderful British accents are (Americans seem to be a fan of this *shrugs*) Let me just say, British accents aren’t all that. I mean they’re average and there’s absolutely nothing special about them (us Brits DON’T sound like the Queen or anything)- Well normal ones anyways. The humour didn't really work for me as well :/. I mean the idea of the game in the supermarket was funny but the way you wrote about it didn’t make it funny for me as a reader. The humour in ‘Illegal My Ass’ is represented better than it is in this book in my opinion. My review is based on what I read so far.

All in all it’s good


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