Book Reviews: The Lordly Ones

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The Lordly Ones by @AmazonJunJun


The woods. The setting is beautiful right? The air is tasty and healthy, the floor always seems so tidy. There is always a convenient stream passing by. But have you ever thought. Perhaps ever wondered, whether in the woods...are you truly alone? [this is a fairy story by AmazonJunJun, enjoy :)]

I really don't like fantasy stories but I thought for sake of reviews I’m going to try and read them and review it. Before I start I just want to say, I have tried really hard not to be influenced by my hatred of fantasy stories. So far this has just confused me.  The first chapter could be split up as there was quite a lot going on at once. On the plus side I didn't notice any mistakes :). I suggest rereading and/or getting an editor and making sure everything flows. You have no mistakes though so :) oh and "nothing bad is going to happen”, yeah clearly something is going to happen. There was a chapter somewhere bout these demonic things who work for the queen and are charming the people. It was a good chapter but a bit rushed for me. I tend to prefer faster paced chapters but it didn't really make sense to me :/ So, Jere knows them (the demonic things)? What's the little girl got to do with anything in the story? Nice chapter I guess :) no mistakes :). All in all it was a well written story but it just wasn’t my sort of thing.

All in all a good story ***3/5***

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