14. News

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I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them with my finger tips to get clear view. And I saw dark room.

No it's a black room. Walls bedsheets chairs stools doors everything is black.

"Where am I?" I told myself and quickly get off from the bed and saw my self from the mirror front of me.

And my eyes widened after seeing my view. I am wearing a big t-shirt.

Only a big t-shirt. Nothing underneath of it.

"What the fuck is happened to me?" I told myself as I try to remember the things happened before.

I remember that I went to the gala with chanyeol. Then I met sehun and chanyeol with the lady. And we argued and I met business partners and I went to the bathroom. Then....

Then what? I tightly closed my eyes and try to remember the things happened after I left the bathroom.

Then I remembered.

I saw him.

I saw the man who kidnapped me.

I saw the man who is haunting me every night.

He is not dead. He'll kill me.

I feel my breathing speed become fast.


I heard someone calling my name as I felt someone lifting me up and he put me on the bed but I didn't see him clearly. Because my vision is blurred by tears.

"Hey baekhyun you ok? Come on breath in slowly and out. In... and out..."

He slowly guide me as I slowly followed him.

He wiped my tears away and I saw him bit clearly. After I blinked few times I saw him. It was chanyeol.

Without a shirt.

"Baekhyun you ok?"

He asked me as I slowly nod my head to him.

"Ok just close your eyes and rest a bit. You will be ok."

He said as covered myself with a blanket.

"Where am I?"

I asked him in a low voice as he smiled at him.

"Where do you think? This is my penthouse baekhyun. So don't worry you are safe here."

I nod at him as he brushed bangs away from my forehead. When I was about to close my eyes.

"Chanyeol." I heard another voice.

"Oh.. is he still sleeping?"

I saw xiumin hyung peeking inside of the room.

"No I am up."

I said as when I was about to stand up chanyeol stopped me.

"I told you to rest. You are not well."

"No. I am ok I can-"

"Yes you are. Is it that much hard to stay like this in the bed."

He cut me off with his words.

"Oh ok ok."

I gave up arguing and closed my self fully with the blanket.

"Baby.... can I know about what happened last night?"

Xiumin hyung asked as chanyeol raised his voice.

"Come on xiumin he needs some rest. Stop this. We can know -"

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