"Yeah, me." Ichigo turn around and stare at Aizen eyes.

Ichigo voice was monotone. Clear of emotion. When he said them, Aizen felt like something cracks.

"It's really a shame that we met rather late. As it is I perfectly understood what you felt. I always different from my peers. Now that I become a soul reaper, I still is different from any of them. What should I do?" Ichigo said quietly while letting his head stop at Aizen shoulder. It was just enough for Aizen to hear.

But before Aizen could say anything, Geta Boushi come and activated the seal. Ichigo watch as Aizen being dragged off. It was unknown whether it's fortunate that he never speak of that to anyone.

Ignoring everyone who headed to him, Ichigo flew away and stopping in his mother grave. He sat there for a very long time and finally let the darkness claim him.


The first thing Ichigo see when he open his eyes is Geta Boushi. Not that shocking, but Ichigo kinda hope the one he saw first is Yuzu or Karin. He somewhat feel like something will happen in foresable future and Ichigo will did not like the outcome. Cause it will cost him his sisters.

Sighing inwardly, Ichigo began to felt his own reaIt'su. It was really in sorry state. Even though he already know the outcome It's still hurt to see that a part of him got sealed away like that. If what Tensa Zangetsu said is true. Ichigo look more deep and found out that his reaIt'su did not disappear, it merely come to their hibernating time and slowly but surely get their power back. Relief run through his own vein. He truly had to thanks all the gods.

"When..." Ichigo said, his voice husky because the lack of power in his body.

"It's been a week, Kurosaki-kun." Getaboushi told me, from his eyes, Ichigo could feel the curiousity he held for what actually happen in that last battle. Because he saw Ichigo talking with Aizen before the trap is done.

"Your power is slowly disappearing, your hair is shorter too." He said helpfully, Ichigo just let his eyes closed and give him a wry smile.

"It's that so?"

Uruhara Kisuke pride himself not as a vain man, but a smart kind of man. He thought he know his wayward student, a naïve short tempered but very charismatic teenager. But in the last few minutes, he couldn't help but think that something is very different now in Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Ne, Getaboushi. What happen to Aizen?"

Now, more better. He know that Ichigo will ask this.

"He is on custody. The Seireitei already giving him his punishment. As they cannot kill him as their power is lacking. They could lock him with all his power sealed." He told Ichigo while searching for any emotion he had. But how surprisingly, the teenager didn't give any response.

"So... he didn't die?" the question is rather strange, but Kisuke still answer the teenager.

"No, Kurosaki-kun. Aizen did not die. Is there something else you want to ask?"


Then, both of them kept their silent. Each has their own deep musing. Alas, it's over when Ichigo shinigami friends come. They said goodbye as it is the last time Ichigo will see them.


A month already passed after the winter war. Ichigo, though he never show it, is angry with his bastard of dad. He found out something new about his mother. Turn out he did not as normal as he first think he was and the normal in his dictionary is already way off the chard.

Not to mention that goat face didn't tell anything about himself being a shinigami. A captain nonetheless. Not to mention this so called isolation from any of his friends. Just Ishida behave the same to him. The others did as far as not greeting him or avoiding him just so they did not 'hurts' his feeling. It was sick. Fuck he is really tired of this.

King! Just confront them! Said you all sick of them! I don't like it here when the sky all cloudy!

Ichigo, you could ask them to stop. If you couldn't withstand their so called protecting you.

'I want them to realize by themselves, Shiro, Ossan. Not to mention I want to see the seireitei way of dealing with the aftermath. And I'm utterly disappointed. It is a good think that they could not sense my reaIt'su anymore. And think I'm powerless. Because I know that even though that Aizen did something crazy, his intention is right of bat.' Ichigo said to his hollow and zanpakuto.

'Furthermore, I think, I want to see Aizen before graduation. Before I go to London. You know, I want to see him. It's been over 7 years already... but I want to hear what Aizen supposed to say before the trap got him.'

Then go for it king! I want to see the man too! See if we could fight with him! Hahaha!

Ichigo... I will always beside you. But before that, there is something I need to tell you. It's about your mother.

'I know. Well... we could talk this of in a simple nap.'


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