Newt x reader

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Darkness. That's all you woke up to. You didn't know what was happening or why it was happening. You just wanted to get out.

Eventually your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you could vaguely see what was around you. It appeared to be a big crate, full of boxes and barrels, but you were the only person in there. You tried to stand up, only to be knocked down again by the reckless Box you were in. You tried to get someone's attention (maybe they could get you out) and began to scream. "HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEONE ANYONE GET ME OUT!" No reply.

You crawled over to the corner and pulled your knees up to your chest. After what seemed like hours, the Box finally stopped moving. Quiet. You were about to start screaming again, when suddenly white light poured though the top of the crate.

You shielded your eyes. It hurt after being in the dark for too long. Eventually you slowly inched your hands away to be met with the silhouettes of people above you. They were all murmuring but you couldn't make out what they were saying. Then you realised . . . they were all boys. Every single one of them. You couldn't spot a single girl.

After scanning the crowd over once more, a blond boy jumped down into the box with you. He cautiously approached you, didn't want to scare you. When he reached you, he crouched down in front of you, examined you once, then said up to the others in disbelief "its a girl". He spoke in a rich British accent. He turned back to you and that's when you could see his face more clearly.

He had chocolate brown eyes, dirty blond hair, looked around the age of 16 or so, he was frowning at you as if in deep thought. You realised you were staring and quickly looked away, only to receive calls and whistles from the boys above. The boy quickly shot them all a glare which shut them up. He must be in charge here, you thought to yourself.

He reached out his hand to you, and you gingerly took it. He stood you up and helped you out of the Box. Again you scanned the crowd to see no other girls. Suddenly you were scared, and the boy must've noticed it on you face because he quickly laid a hand on your shoulder and said to you in a comforting voice "its ok Greenie, we've all been though what you are right now. Don't worry." You immediately felt calmer, which was odd.

"The names Newt, Greenie. Welcome to the Glade" the boy called Newt said. It was all too much. You couldn't remember anything at all, not even your name! You started crying because you didn't know what else to do, but Newt embraced you and whispered comforting stuff into your ear. It made you feel better. He turned to the crowd of boys and said "Get of back to your bloody jobs then". You heard them disperse. Newt was still hugging you which was weird but you didn't mind. You immediately liked him as a good friend, but you might have had a tiny crush on him too.

He pulled away from you and held you by your shoulders. "It's alright Greenie, I'm here for you. Did u want me to show you around?"

Hesitant, you slowly nodded your head, and Newt smiled at you again, grabbed your hand gently before walking you around what you now know is called the Glade.

You really liked Newt and it seems like he liked you too. Maybe in time I can make some thing of this, you thought while smiling to yourself as you continued on the tour with Newt.

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