Blood Bath

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The next morning we had to get up bright and early, we needed to give ourselves time to go find glasses, get ready for the day, and travel to where the gunners were hiding out- The Mass Pike Interchange. It was pretty smart of them to take over an entire highway like that, it certainly was going to make it a lot harder to take them down, but was that about to stop us? Hell no.

Most people would probably say we had some sort of death wish(well, we probably did after all the shit that's happened to us throughout our lives), but to be back fighting by my childhood friends side sounded just like the pick me up I needed. Of course the whole thing would have been a little bit better if we didn't have to get up this god damn early, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right?

It started off with Robert shaking my shoulder like he did almost every morning, me letting out a little groan and pushing him away, asking for five more minutes, then him progressively getting more and more annoying until I finally gave in and got my ass out of bed, groggily getting changed into my clothes and packing my stuff up.

"Can I wait to change into my heavier shit until we get closer? It gets all hot under that." I whined quietly, rubbing my eyes.

"Your choice, (y/n), you're an adult." He said, his words coming off a little more monotone than usual. I just assumed it was due to the stress of having to deal with all these guys, but normally he was more excited for fights.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I grumbled, biting my lip as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "Come on, we gotta get a move on if we wanna make it there before midday."

"Says the one who took like a half hour to get up." He retorted.

I just rolled my eyes in return, I knew when he was joking around and when he wasn't, and this was one of those times where he was actually being kind of a jerk.

"Yeah, whatever." I scoff, brushing past him to head out the door and down the stairs. Maybe I was a little grumpy too.

It didn't take us too long to find a slightly beat up pair of glasses at Daisy's shop, and because Mac was such a sweet talker we ended up getting them for free. This lightened my mood a little, but at the same time made me mad because it seemed like no matter where we went he was always hitting on girls, so naturally I got jealous. Everytime he flirted with me I was just another one of those girls, why would I be anything special to him?

"Alright, come on, we got the stupid glasses. Let's just go." He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him to the Goodneighbor gate.

"Oh, so you can waste the day away flirting with Daisy, but once you decide to go, we gotta go? Okay." I mutter, not even sure if my words are making sense.

This time I don't get a response, and that almost makes me angrier, but I decide to keep my mouth shut. We're supposed to be focusing on the Gunners, not on this bullshit.
But the thing is, the entire way there was spent either arguing or in uncomfortable silence. It wasn't even about important things, it was things like whose fault it was for being behind schedule, what the plan was for taking the Gunners down, and where to go after.
Eventually, after a lot of walking we did make it to the interpass, and had decided on trying to snipe as many of them as possible, then see if there was a way to sneak up on them.

"Alright, I'm on the east side, good luck. Remember the signals." I said, brushing past him and heading over to what I assumed would be the best spot to lay on my tummy and be undercover. We could see the small camp they had set up on the ground, as well as the couple openings on the highway above where the main base had been established.
I made an estimate of about four or five people on the ground, but couldn't quite see well enough above. I assumed ten or more, as the place had high security on it.
I finally chose my spot and settled carefully, pulling out my sniper rifle and looking down the scope, lining it up with one of the boys head. Once I heard the soft click coming from MacCready, I put my finger on the trigger and squeezed.
God damn, that sound was loud.
At least it was accurate, though. And once we started firing, obviously the camp went into lockdown mode. I saw one last, I assumed a commander start to radio up top, but luckily I got a clean shot through her head before she could communicate effectively. With both of us shooting, it didn't take long at all for the small base to be wiped clean.
I decided to wait a few more minutes, listening carefully for voices and gunshots before getting up to go look through everything, and Robby had the same idea. Either that or he was just following after me once I got up.
We moved quickly and quietly through the camp, scavanging what bullets and armor we could manage, then reloaded our guns.

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