Pick Up Lines and Notes

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(3:27 p.m. 10/11/2077)
"H-hey (y/n)..." Mac chuckles, rolling up the sleeves on his duster as he sits on the couch and pats the spot next to him, giving me a grin. "C'mere.."
I roll my eyes and smile, slipping off my boots and leaning my rifle up against one of the walls of the hotel room. "Fine~.." I hum, going over and flopping next to him.
"You're..." he started, interrupting himself with a quiet laugh, "are your legs made of peanut butter? Cause I'd like to spread 'em." He slurred, snorting a bit.
My eyes widen and a laugh, I was definitely not expecting that at all. "Really, pick up lines?" I giggle, swinging my legs over his lap and leaning against the arm of the couch. "In that case... I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on you." I say, rolling my eyes again at my own dirtiness.
Robert smirks a little, "wanna go on an ate with me?" He asks, pausing for a moment and only getting more encouraged at my look of confusion. "I'll give you the D later." He finishes, winking at me.
I laugh again, raising my hand up and squeaking as he highfives it hard. "Do you train cats?" I ask, biting my lip and raising an eyebrow at him.
"Nah, why?"
"Cause you just made this pussy cum." I grin, laughing a little as I notice him blush.
"Hmph, nice one. Did you sit on a pile of sugar? Cause you've got a pretty sweet ass!" He purred, chuckling a little.
I roll my eyes once again, "yeah? I'll kiss you in the rain so you'd get twice as wet." I say, sticking my tongue out as I've run out of pickup lines that girls use.
MacCready giggles a little, "I think I win then. What's my reward?"
"Jeez, always snuffing around for a little something extra, aren't you?" I tease, standing up and going over to the dresser. "I'd offer to not make you cover your eyes when I change tonight, but I know you already peek anyways." I hum, smirking to myself a bit.
Maybe that'll shut him up.
And it did, for the time being anyways. I dig through the drawers, pulling out one of the t shirts Robert had worn yesterday for a little, then a pair of his boxers I'd just washed today and scrunched them up in my hand. "I am going to be changing now though." I giggle, his face still had a soft pink blush on it.
He nods and smiles a little, bringing his hands over his eyes and leaning back like normal.
I slip out of my regular clothes quickly, I'd already taken off my armor earlier, and then slip off my bra and panties, quickly replacing them with the boxers and t shirt. The shirt was a bit baggy, but it hugged my hips and chest in a way that flattered me, and I filled out the boxers nicely, at least I thought I did. "Alright, I'm done~"I say softly, turning to face him.
He puts his hands down at his sides, smiling and shaking his head a little when he sees me, "decided to steal my clothes, eh? You look cute." He nods, making eye contact with me and standing up.
I blush at his remark but brush it off quickly, or at least try to. "How's your wound healing?" I ask, chewing my lip a little bit. The encounter with the men in the warehouse was a little over a week ago now, and it seemed like Mac was healing well but it couldn't hurt to check.
"Ah I think it'll be fine, it hurts every now and then, but that's really it. You did a good job." He smiled, looking back at me quickly then turning away as he slipped off his coat and scarf.
I nod, sitting down on the bed Indian style(or criss cross applesauce)and look down, "that's good."
"Mhmmm~" he says softly, and I can hear the sound of him changing.
"I think I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight, it's way too hot to share a bed." I mumble after a moment, standing up and looking over at him, glad he's dressed again. 
"Oh... o-okay." He says, he sounds a bit unsure, but right now I'm too tired to really put much thought into it.
"But don't think you can go to bed without giving me a hug first"
He turns to face me and smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close, holding me tight. "Goodnight (y/n)" He whispers, resting his chin on my head for a moment.
I hug back just as tight, feeling a warmth spread throughout my body. He was comforting to me, and when we were this close I felt like nothing could harm me.
So when he pulls away I can't help but to let out a soft sigh, "goodnight Robby" I giggle, looking up into his bright blue eyes.
He ruffles my (h/c) hair, "see you in the morning Sunshine."
(7:12 a.m. 10/12/2077)
The next morning, I wake up and I already feel sick to my stomach. I groan almost inaudibly, and was about to get up to throw up when I noticed there had been a bucket placed next to the couch, so I lean over and vomit in there, hoping that bucket didn't have any sentimental value to someone. Once I'm finished, I sit up slowly and rub my eyes, running a hand through my greasy hair. I really need a damn shower, both of us do. Speaking of both of us... where is Mac? I look around the small room, not seeing him or his bags anywhere, and I start to get worried.
Standing up and steadying myself on the dresser, I look towards the doorway and notice my stuff is still sitting there, so if he did ditch me he at least didn't take my shit on the way out. But still... it just doesn't seem like him to disappear over night without letting me know, or leaving a note. I think for a moment, I mean, I never did bother to look around to see if he'd left me a memo of some sort, so it was entirely possible he had and I'd just missed it.
I shrug a little, deciding to head back over to the dresser and change into my usual outfit, some road leathers, a red bandana, and my glasses, then put on my backpack and sling my rifle over my shoulder, that way I'm ready in case he wants to meet up with me somewhere. And if he doesn't, I have some errands to run, and he's not leaving without at least saying goodbye to me.
I start searching, checking the drawers, any surfaces, and finally after about five minutes I see a slip of paper laying out on the mattress, so I pick it up and skim over it.
"(Y/n), ive left to take care of a problem I've had for awhile, and I went without you for a reason. It's too dangerous, I cant risk you getting hurt.
I'll be back later tonight, you don't have to wait up for me if you don't want to.
And don't try and follow me, you could end up getting lost or something.
See ya later"
I grunt a little, of course he wouldn't want me to follow him. And he had problems to deal with on his own. And I couldn't follow him because it's 'too dangerous'. How cliche.
I fold up the scrap of paper, tucking it away in my pocket. I'm deciding not to follow him, he did say he'll be back... and if it's something personal then I don't want to intrude. It's still strange though, we never really had anything 'personal' as kids, not even just Mac and I, but the entire town of Little Lamplight. I mean, yeah, we had personal belongings and shit like that, but everyone knew everything, and we figured that it just made us better off. We watched out for one another, and we were there for one another, we were friends.
Anyways, if he's not back by tomorrow morning, then I'll go look.
Ugh this is literally so shitty guys, I'm really sorry :(
I just really wanted to put out a new chapter, I've made you all wait so long, but tbh I don't even know if it was worth putting out due to the quality.
I'm not going to be able to update everyday anymore, between school, commissions, and upcoming family events I just can't, I'm super super sorry.
I'll try and go through this when I get the chance and edit it :/

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