"Wooow," Tyrell said shaking his head. Braelyn was definitely a sweet girl but it couldn't be him. "Wait...so you married to this girl and never busted on her ass, her legs...nothing!?"

Takashi knew they were having some real personal conversations most men would be secretive about, especially pertaining to their woman. But he had the type of friends that even if any of them ever fell out, they wouldn't be the type to expose or bring up the things they talked about in the past. He could even brag about how good Braelyn's pussy was, because he wasn't worried about any of them trying to get at her. They knew how he was and if any of them even looked at Braelyn too long he'd beat them into a coma.

"Exactly my point. Never. Only time I ever nutted anywhere near her is when we wanted to have Brielle. Even till this day we still use condoms. I love Brae but she's so boring, you feel me? That's why sometimes I just be like fuck it and use my hand. 'Cause it's like what's the point of this shit. To even do doggy style I have to talk her into it for like five minutes. And by then—"

"You don't even be in the mood anymore." Chris finished for him, shaking his head.

"Exactly 'cause it's like, now I feel like I'm forcing her into doing some shit she don't wanna do. And I'm not about to fuck someone that's not into the shit as much as me 'cause that's just weird."

"Damn, sucks for you man. My girl sucks the soul of my dick!" Chris said.

Nate agreed with a thumbs up, too busy enjoying his drink to answer.

Takashi and Braelyn's anniversary was coming up this week and he still hadn't thought of anywhere to take her. He thought about going indoor sky diving and then doing something more romantic later down in the day, but Braelyn would probably dismiss the skydiving thing right away. She could kill a fun time damn near faster than an erection. And that said a lot because no one could kill an erection like Braelyn.

Takashi shrugged, "I mean, don't get me wrong...Braelyn is my baby. She cooks, she cleans, she works hard, she takes care of me, my daughter and even my mother. Brae is a great mother and wife. It's like she's perfect everywhere else except the bed, you know?"

"So do you ever see yourself cheating on her? Just like one time to have the kind of sex you want and get it out of your system?"

Takashi twisted his lips to the side and thought about it. He shook his head from side to side, never having really been a cheater anyway. "Nah, it ain't that deep. Using my hands is good."

The men laughed. Little did Takashi know, his fun was about to end in three minutes.


TORYN PACED BACK AND FORTH gripping her hair and trying her hardest to figure out her next move. She had to protect everyone in the house and right now she felt like she was failing. She held a knife in one hand, gripping it so hard the tips of her fingers turned yellow.

"Toryn honey, please put the knife down." Laura called softly, peeking her head into the living room along with Braelyn who held an equally curious Brielle.

"I can't, the bird! The stupid bird is in here." Toryn said, listening to the sound of a pigeon flapping it's wings.

Hallucinations had become a new major part of her episodes as she got older. Not taking medications no longer resulted in just talking to herself, Toryn had become technically full blown crazy and was in desperate need of checking into a mental institute. At any moment she could talk regularly then flip out. Her brain was off balance since she had nothing to keep her medically sane.

Braelyn had never been so scared in her life. She had brought Brielle over to spend the day with Laura. Also figuring it would be a good day to bond with her mother in law as well. The two sat in the living room reading the bible and sharing stories about times God prevailed in their lives while Brielle sat at their feet playing with building blocks. Out of the blue the sound of things being thrown around and banging all over the place startled all three of them.

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