After I stand there for the longest time, I finally released a breath I didn't realize I was holding, as I slowly step foot into the alley. It felt like I was entering a horror movie as I stepped between the two buildings where is was only slightly lit by the sun, but heading towards the back it became a little darker. I take very few steps at a time, my legs feeling weaker and weaker with each one, while my hands were becoming sweaty. My eyes scan the area in search of Zayn, but I didn't see him. All there was in sight was a dumpster and a black gate at the end of the alley. Was he even gonna be here? Did I come here only for him to bail on me? Maybe he didn't think I'd come so he didn't? I don't know. The more I stand there thinking about it, the more discouraged I began to feel.

But it didn't last very long as I hear something from behind me. It's very light, so light I care barely tell it's there, but I am so sure it was the sound of feet hitting the ground very softly. I quickly turn around to see that it was in fact Zayn, dropping down from wherever he came from. It was so amazing how quiet and sneaky he could be. I almost didn't hear him come in. He was getting better and better at this. How did he do it? A lot of training? He was kneeling on the ground in a frog like position which lead me to believe he had probably jumped down from the top of the building, which wasn't too high, but it was crazy how he barely made a sound upon touching the ground. He was wearing all black, down to his shoes, the same looking jacket with a hood pulled over his head and half his face covered as if he didn't want to be seen. But why? Why would he need to hide? And why was he dressed like that in this crazy summer heat? Just looking at his outfit made me wanna break out into a sweat.

 But why? Why would he need to hide? And why was he dressed like that in this crazy summer heat? Just looking at his outfit made me wanna break out into a sweat

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"You came." He mumbles underneath the fabric covering his mouth. I subconsciously nod as I watch him stand up straight and pull down the fabric covering his mouth, so I could see his whole face. Even with shade blocking him slightly, I could still see his glistening tanned skin and his chocolate colored eyes. I couldn't help but stare. Before my eyes started to roam, I snap myself out of it and remember the reason that I'm here. Not to gawk, but to get answers. I needed to stand my ground, I couldn't be so weak around him no matter how hard it was. I shake my head and cross my arms, making my face as straight s I could and keeping my voice leveled.

"You wanted to talk." I say.

"I do." He nods, stepping closer to me to stand merely centimeters away. I swallow thickly, keeping calm.

"Then talk." Zayn shakes his head.

"Not here, somewhere more private." He says. I give him a curious look and he slightly bows his head at me before adding, "If that's okay with you.." He trailed off. I stay neutral and shrugs shortly.

"Okay." I say nonchalantly. Zayn nods briefly before he walks around me, mumbling for me to follow him. I turn around and watch him walk for a few moments, wondering if it were even safe to follow him or if he planning something malicious under my nose. I narrow my eyes at his back, standing there as he disappears behind the corner. I sigh and snap out of it, realizing I was being ridiculous before taking off running to catch up with him. I stop just a few steps behind him and he turns his head, acknowledging that I was there and decided to actually come.

Walking behind him, in complete silence only the scrapping of my feet could be heard, because somehow Zayn had silent footsteps. It was nerve racking the further he lead me to God knows where. As soon as we step out from the shadows and into the soon, Zayn yanks his hood back on. In confusion, I continue to follow him and the further and further we get, the more I realize where's he's possibly taking me. Five more minutes into the quiet walk, we end up exactly where I thought we'd be. Central Park.

The place Zayn and I first officially met.


what's zayn hiding from

love you guys

𝘱𝘴, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 » 𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺  (𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥)Where stories live. Discover now