Chapter Three

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"Not me," she says, shaking her head before resting it on my shoulder. "I'm never going to fall in love."

I sigh, but say nothing. Because, for some reason, that comment makes my heart drop to my stomach. But I shove the thought aside for now. I can think about how this makes me feel later.


It's the weekend, and I've been down in this basement with Jo all day. She's in some kind of funk today. Doesn't feel like doing anything. Which is very unlike her.

"What about that gargoyle story you were writing?" I ask from my spot on the floor, where I've been lying on my back.

"I finished that one," Jo replies; she spinning her chair at her desk.

"The Duke's Secret?"


"Want to go to the lake and take a paddleboat out?"

She shakes her head, heaving a sigh. I push myself up on my hands, and watch her. Jo doesn't frown. I rarely see this side of her. The times I do, I just want to make her smile.

"Is this because I'm going away?" I ask in a soft voice.

Jo stops spinning and turns her forlorn gaze my way. Her big, brown eyes are glassy. I've hit the nerve of the matter.

"Jo," I say, patting the spot on the floor beside me. She sniffs and joins me on the floor, resting her head against my shoulder.

"I'm not going away forever," I go on, hugging her to my side. "I'll still visit on vacation days."

"I know," she whispers, wiping her nose on the back of her wrist. "That's not entirely why I feel like this today."

"Then what's the reason? C'mon, Jo. I hate seeing you like this."

She looks at me and licks her lips.

"I overheard Meg talking to my mom. She really likes John Brookes. They were talking about the possibility of a wedding."

"Oh . . . Yeah, things like that are bound to happen, Jo. Life moves forward and there will be changes in it. We can't stop them from happening."

She huffs, "I know that. I mean, it was a while ago, but it's still a lot to take in. It's too much change at once for me. You leaving, Dad being away again. Meg falling in love."

"Yeah, I guess."

We sit quietly for a while. But when we hear someone scream from upstairs. It's Amy. Jo and I rush upstairs, nearly tripping in the process. We find Amy - yeah, I know her shriek anywhere - screaming over a passed out Beth. Jo's favorite sister, though she doesn't tell anyone that.

"Beth!" Jo cries, rushing to her sister's side. "You're burning. Mom!"

"Mom went to visit Dad!" Amy shrieks; so loud, I expect glass to shatter.

"Amy," I say, grabbing her shoulders. "Calm down. That's not going help your sister."

"What's happened?"

We turn and see Meg standing in the doorway with her hands full of groceries. But when she sees Beth, sweating and panting in Jo's arms, she drops everything and is giving commands.

"Amy, go to the neighbors and ask if Helen can come," she says while motioning for me to help Jo. "Carry her to her bed. I'll find some medicine."

I lift Beth into my arms. Her limbs are limp and her breathing is ragged now. As carefully and quickly as I can, I walk up to the bedroom she shares with Jo. I lay her on the bed and her sister quickly move me out of the way.

Some time later, Amy returns with Helen. I stay in the doorway, watching the older woman move around the sick girl. Meg is pressing cold cloths to Beth's forehead. Amy is sitting in her room across the hall. And Jo, my dear Jo, is a mess. She's crying and clutching to Beth's hand. Talking to her. Pleading with her to say something back. Beth is Jo's favorite sister, though she doesn't tell anyone that. I've seen how much she loves her sisters, but nothing like how she loves Beth.

"Where was she today?" Helen asks, touching the girl's forehead.

"Visiting the Harrisons," Meg replies, "Is that important?"

"It is, because the Harrisons have had some kind of flu for the last week. I was told the baby died this afternoon."

Jo gasps, and my heart breaks. I have to do something. I turn to leave as Helen says Amy should stay somewhere else. Because she's more likely to get sick since Meg and Jo have already caught whatever Beth has.

"I'll take her to your aunt's house," I say, quickly returning to the room.

"Would you, Laurie?" Jo asks, looking at me with a tear-streaked face.

"Of course," I reply.

Jo smiles and runs to my waiting embrace.

"Thank you, Teddy," she whispers, hugging tight to my waist. "What would we do without you?"

I kiss the top of her head, and reluctantly pull away.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper before leaving the room, and my heart, behind.

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