Chapter Three

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I now spend my afternoons at the March's house. It's the best place in the entire world. I'm always welcome. I often ask Mrs. March if she's tired of me of yet. She always answers the same.

"Laurie, if I were tired of you, you'd know without needing to ask. I'm glad my girls are becoming good friends with you. Jo especially."

It felt good to be accepted. To be appreciated. Jo is amazing. She's so smart and an amazing writer. She shares her work with me all the time. Such stories I never would have expected her to write. Vampires and gargoyles, werewolves. Unexpected.

It's nearing the summer months and I am definitely blessed. Because John has loosened up a bit since he caught me trying to sneak back into the library after a few weeks of doing it. He brought me back to the March house and was planning to make me apologize when Mrs. March told him there was nothing to worry about and that we both should stay for dinner. He took a liking to Jo's sister, Meg. Starry-eyed, liking.

I've been studying all morning. John has finally given me to go-ahead to leave for the day. Gramps is out somewhere. Don't really care. I'm rushing around my room, looking for the book I bought for Jo. I figured she'd like it because it's similar to what she's writing.


The second she opens the door, Jo is shouting and jumping at me for a hug. I chuckle and catch her, of course I do, and try to not fall over. Jo pulls away, smiling brightly like always. And slaps my shoulder.

"What was that for?" I ask, rubbing the spot with a shocked expression.

"That was for not answering the secret message I left in the box," she replies, placing the very hand she slapped me with on her hip.

"I'll have you know, Gramps has been making John keep me inside until every last textbook has been opened and studied. I haven't even opened the box since my last deposit."

I hold up the new book, waving it in the air. Jo's eyes grow wides as she gasps. She tries to catch the boo, but I'm quick to snatch it away.

"You have to earn it," I say, heading through the house and down to the basement. "But that's not important right now. What was this secret message you sent me?"

"Oh! It's the most terrible thing you'll ever hear!" she exclaims, closing the door and tugging me towards the desk she uses for her writing. "Meg's been hanging out with John Brookes!"

Jo stomps to her chair and crosses her arms, and her expression.

"Who does he think he is?" she grumbles, folding her left leg over her right thigh.

"Oh," I say, pulling another chair beside to her. "I think I have something very interesting to add to that. Remember when we went on that picnic last month? The one Gramps planned."

"Yeah, what about it?"

I grin, "Turns out, Meg lost something important that day. Didn't she?"

"Oh! Yes, she lost one of her earrings! Her favorite pair."

"Well, I happen to know that earring was actually found. John has it."

Jo gasps with horror.

"The pig!" she enunciates. "Trying to sneak his way into my family."

"What's so bad about him liking your sister?" I ask, placing the book in her lap. "Meg is smart and beautiful. Any guy would like her."

"Yeah, but that's just it! I'm not ready for her to get up and fall in love."

I chuckle, which earns me a smack in the shoulder.

"Oh, Jo," I reach an arm around her shoulders for a hug. "Some day, some lucky guy is going to walk into your life, and you're going to fall head over heels for him."

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