Face It, You're Old

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"Kinda difficult when he's related to half of them," I replied.

"Bugger off, Lia."

I giggled. Michael cracked a smile, his hands slowly stopping their shaking. That all changed when the door to the church opened and Dad appeared. He walked in with a proud smile I once thought I would never see. When he looked at his youngest child, the first to be married, every wrinkle on his face shone with pure pride. I could already see tears waiting for the perfect moment to fall. He would be the first to cry, I'm sure of it. If not him, then Mikey. 

"Ready, Michael?" Dad asked.

Michael wrung his hands together, "I s'pose so."

"Don't worry," Dad placed his hands on Michael's shoulders, "Just picture the audience in their knickers."

"That's what we said," Paul added.

Dad smiled, "Getting married is a wonderful experience. The nerves are just a part of it."

"Thanks, Da," Michael grinned.

"Come on. Let's not keep them waiting."

When Michael spun around, Dad turned to wink at us. Paul and I grinned, watching them step out of the door and into the church. As the doors swung open, we could see the long lines of people. On one side was The McCartney clan and all their friends. On the other was Angela's family. Both sides looked just as excited and just as nervous. A few people even cried.

"Think Mikey'll cry?" I asked.

Paul snorted, "There's no doubt."

The rest of the wedding party stepped out moments later. Vera came out holding Angela's hand. She had been determined to watch Angela get ready. I stepped up and grinned, "You look lovely, Angela."

"Thanks," Angela blushed.

Her dress wasn't anything spectacular. It barely fell below her knees. Really, it was more like a mini skirt than a dress. Her veil barely touched her shoulders and her sleeves were filled with so many holes, they were practically non-existent. The lace sleeves only added to the beauty, and the pearls in her hair made her look like a natural born princess.

"After this day, you'll be a McCartney and I can call you my sister," I grinned, "Can't tell you how happy that makes me."

Angela blushed harder. Paul came up behind me and smirked, "Don't go scaring her off, Lia."

"I'm not. I'm just sayin' it's about time we had another girl in the family. The testosterone is almost overwhelming."

Paul rolled his eyes and playfully shoved my shoulder. I chuckled just as we were called to our spots. Paul took the arm of the maid of honor and stood just in front of Angela and her Dad. I grabbed Vera's hand and led her to the front of the procession where a little boy waited.

"Alright, Junior, you ready to play flower girl?" I asked.

Vera gripped my hand, "I wanna go out with you."

"Don't worry, we won't be apart for long," I smiled, "I'll come just behind you."

"I'm scared."

I ruffled her hair, "There's nothing to be afraid of. You'll step out of those doors looking like the princess everyone knows you are. Just remember to drop the flowers."

"Where will you be?" she asked, her lip trembling.

I pointed to the back, "Just behind you. If it makes you feel any better, Uncle Mikey is waiting outside."

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