Chapter 31: House Arrest

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I realized Vivi was evil a lot later than everyone else. She was trying to drown me in her whirpool of hatred and I thought I was just floating above it. I started smiling more, something I thought I could never do again. I am pretty sure I was beaten once for it because Arnold threatened me to stop and I just couldn't.

I was her strong but newly soft guard dog. Anyone who had the audacity to bother her, had some sort of broken bone by morning. Some how we never argued. We didn't see each other enough to even talk.

She often took credit for me hurting people. Which made her seem more dangerous than she actually was. Which meant a one on one. See how Hydra works is,  as you get stronger you have to fight others your age and strength, to see who advances and doesn't.

I was number one and Viviana (through me) was number two. This went as well as you would think.


My head started throbbing as I finally awoke. I was cuddling next to a large body pillow. I let go from the death grip I was in. I looked around in confusion. "Brook?"

What day is it? What date is it? What time is it? I looked at the clock and it said 3 pm. Brooklyn would be at work....  I slept longer than I should have. I swung my feet off the bed. There was a black braclet wrapped around my ankle. House arrest.

I noticed a paper on the desk. I picked it up and wiped my eyes.

Dear Marcus, I don't know when you will wake up but I had to go. You should still have breakfast down there. I don't know if you want it now since it's probably cold. Sage said you can't leave the house or you will get arrested again, for good. Just wait it out. I'm glad to see you are getting sleep. Though you almost suffocated me by spooning. I'll see you at 6. I get to go home early because of you!! That sounded mean. Sorry I love you.

I yawned and smiled. I fell back onto the body pillow. I grabbed a towel and went to shower for the first time in a while...


I got dressed and walked down the stairs trying not to hit my head on the low ceiling. I heard a pot drop and someone cursing after it. "Hello?" I asked thinking I was home alone.

"Oh you are finally up?" A feminine voice mumbled. I went further into the house and some random woman in a shield uniform met my gaze. "I'm your baby sitter, I was assigned by Brook while she was away. She doesn't quite trust you yet to be home alone. I know you are a grown man tha-"

"You don't have to explain. It's ok....."

"You are ok with a babysitter?" She asked

I shrugged and opened the plate to my breakfast. Bagels and cream cheese. I opened the fridge and pulled out the ice tea she always told me not to drink. "I.... I'm Samantha... Agent Kelvin..." She stuttered. "Call me Kess though." I started at her and she tried to analyze me.

"Are you scared of me?" I narrowed my eyes.  "I have been labelled dangerous.... Why did you want to do this?"

"Because Brooklyn is my friend, she said you aren't dangerous if I follow these rules." She held them up.

"And they are?"

"Well....." She started. "Don't let him watch too much TV. He needs to sleep. He now has a curfew get him to bed at 11 if I don't come home on time, he has to hydrate and eat alot, and lastly, if he sleeps give him the body pillow to make sure he doesn't have a nightmare." She said.

I continued eating unphased by the rules. Then I stopped. "I have a curfew? What time again?"


"Am I a kid now?" I grumbled.

"You threw a tantrum like one" Kess said. "You cried so much that night before you dropped, then you continued try and starve yourself because you couldn't punish yourself in other ways."

I frowned at her in disbelief. "Fuck you."

"Just finish eating and go watch your TV." She rolled her eyes.

"I wish Brook was here..." I pouted eating.


I woke up again at 5pm. I went downstairs quietly while Kess was on the phone. "Yeah he's behaving.... He's a little bit grumpy, I don't think he likes me being the authority." Kess laughed. "He's been sleeping alot but not eating. What you said about him being a little teddy bear is a full lie...."

Ouch. How rude.

"He's right here eavesdropping, want to talk to him?" She walked infront of me. I skipped further down the stairs into the light. She handed me the phone. I put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Have you never talked in a phone?" Kess laughed. I started walking away from her to talk to Brooklyn.

"Hi Marcus." She sang excitedly

"How long am I on house arrest?"


"You don't know?"

"Remember, I kind of just kidnapped you." She laughed nervously. "Glenn has been up my ass about it. I have to go.... Eat more and behave. Kess is the assigned agent, play nice. I'll be home before you know it." Her soft voice muttered as if to keep it a secret. "I love you."

"Love you too." I smiled as she hung up.

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