Chapter 4: Distant

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"How are you Marcus?" Fury asked.

I shrugged slouching. "I'm fine so far....."

"You sure? You've been distant from everyone."

"Did you need somethin in particular?"

"So you don't want to talk to me?"

"You don't care if I do. I don't care if you don't care."

"You don't want to join a specific group, like the avengers?"

"Then people will think I'm copying her."


"Yes.....we both know who her is."

"Your talents overshadow that of hers, and is now at a level at which many of our own agents cannot keep up. Why would you think that would be copying her?"

"Because everything I do now is following Riley. I don't need to be known as the older brother that longs to be his little sister. Frankly I don't care. But next time someone calls me Riley's brother I'm going to flip my shit."

"You w-"

"You're right. I can't have an outburst because that would just be copying Riley as well" I said getting up and moving the chair. "I don't need a therapist, Fury. I need an original idea. So next time you come up with this bullshit ass topic. Make sure you bring a solution." I snapped and leaving the room. 

"Marcus, we aren't done here." He yelled through the door

I came back in and grabbed the chair. I sat down and sighed. "What now?"

"I called you in here because your hostility, as well, has been getting out of hand."

"Oh just like-"

"One more word about being like Riley I will personally throw you off this air ship." He threatened.

I sighed and waited for him to continue.

"It isn't people's faults they don't know you. You never get your lazy ass up and go outside and do shit. Riley didn't get a reputation by sitting inside. If you want a name to your body. Do something. Now stop being a whinny baby." He said. "Maybe solve that case you seem so interested in."

"Well several High schoolers trampled my only lead so...." I shrugged leaving.

I sat at the Daily Bugle next to my dad watching my mom pace back and forth. "Marci do you know anything about the foam bombs?"

"No" I lied.

"You would lie to your mother?" She said looking hurt.

I furrowed my brows "Classified shield stuff. Can't let you in on it."

"Or I could bring to light your origin... maybe that would get some answers from you."

"Are you threatening me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It would seem so."

"Go ahead ma' people would forget it in a split second."

"How is Riley doing?"

That question made roll my eyes so farm back. "I don't know you are the reporter. Aren't you always up her ass anyway?" I snapped. They widened their eyes.

"Are you and your sister in a fight?" Dad asked.

"No I'm just sick and tired of hearing her name in every god damn sentence."

She glared and sighed. "Do you know why Riley isn't returning my calls." She completely ignored my complaint

"3 months ago." My dad shrugged. "She invited us to a dinner hoping to make amends. She matured. But you didn't and you sort of ignored her to write the whole time. Then embarrassed her by drunkenly yelling about all her problems and flaws. In front of her friends. Then proceeding to call her a mistake. You humiliated her infront of her teamates, old friends, and even important people. Riley was so upset that she left. She left her party crying."

And we are back on the topic of Riley. But it is an important topic.

"Why are you still here Dean?" She snapped. Oh god. Here we go.

"I'm hanging out with my kid." He folded his arms.

"Our kid. And plus. I'm pretty sure no one lies when they are drunk."

"Stop calling her a god damn mistake. She isn't a mistake."

"I was tricked."

"Shut the hell up, you weren't."

Let me explain. My parents were married for like 2 years. Short I know. But dad said she was being a collosal bitch and he couldn't deal with her. I was born about 2 months after they married. Then they divorced. Riley was the product of a one night stand. My dad accidentally impregnated my mom. Mom didn't abort because she was pracicing heavy Christianity. But after Riley was born she quit the religion, saying it held her back from doing things....

So technically Riley wasn't a mistake. Just a product of failed protection. But my mom treats her as such. Of course Riley knows this story. She just doesn't wanted to be reminded. I feel bad for Riley sometimes. How does she put up with all this shit?

I took a seat and watched them go at it. I have never taken either side on this topic. Neither is wrong and neither is right . Sure Riley picked, it's literally about her. But every other drama, we just don't bother in family fights. Which by the way, there is alot of.

I frowned a bit. Every time there is a family fight it's usually Riley that is the topic or starts it. But what about me. Does no one actually care about me anymore? Then again I was taken by Hydra. I was taught to be level and calm. So I lay low and do a good job. But what about Riley?

She was never taught so that makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's unforgettable and I'm just unforgettable's brother. One of these days I'm just going to die and no one would care or even worse notice. I love Riley to pieces but at this point I'm sort of glad Sam broke up with her.  So now she has it all execpt a boyfriend.

I- I didn't mean that. I didn't... That's ..... Jesus ChristThey looked back at me. "You ok there sport?"

I got out of my trance and looked up. "Always." Liar. You stupid horrible no good stupid liar


"Maybe I should do more field work. " I frowned on a bench in the park.

"I don't know. You do get angry alot" Brooklyn sighed.

"It isn't my fault."

"I know. But try doing more behind the scene stuff first" She said grabbing my hand. I used my free hand to cover my head. "You ok?" She asked concerned.

"Am I ever?" I quietly replied

She leaned on my shoulder and the fruit scent of her brown hair swept into my nose. "No, that's what makes me worried."

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