Chapter 5: Sylvester

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"Hows the mission coming along?" Nathan walked with me.

"I had a lead, then I lost it. " I frowned. The twat snorted and laughed.

"I heard you got pummled by highschool students." He laughed even harder.

"Well if you see how big these kids are-"

"What did you bring me here for?"  A slightly monotoned voice asked.

I've heard that sarcastic tone before. I looked up and made eye contact. It was that kid from the highschool. They noticed me and twitched. "You!"

I smiled. "Oh yeah!!"

"What?" Nathan turned

"When I first saw you I thought you had the worst hair cut in the world."

"It's not my fault!! I-"

"Sounds like you are offering to give him a make over?" Nathan said

"Him?" I raised an eyebrow.

They both got silent. "Oh....This is Sylvester." Nathan yelled

"So is he a boy with abnormally rounded breast or a tra-"

"Yes....Don't say it to loud here. You could get my ass kicked." Sylvester scowled.

"So Sylvester I -"

"So about that hair cut!!" Nathan yelled making it obvious he doesn't like to be ignored.

"I wasn't going to say-"

"You were going to ask about the masked person foaming everyone." He asked scratching his head. I nodded curiously.

"They've been terrorizing the school for a while. I don't know who it is and I'm sort of wondering who the person was. Was that why you were going through lockers?" He asked.

"Yeah I found the locker of the person. I just don't remember where it was." I sighed trying to get them to confess. I believe that "Sylvester" is the mad foamer. He was the last one to see me with the bag and it was taken out of my hands. But then again there were several people in that hall.

"Um there is alot of lockers and I don't remember which specific one you were in." He said skewing his mouth. He's a good liar. If I didn't have a good liar of a sister I would have been fooled.

"Well let's just drop the work topic and go get this rascal clean-"

"Marcus?" My watch rang. "Nathan?"

I clicked it and Brooklyn's face popped up. "Lucy is asking for you both." Nathan rolled his eyes. I hit his chest to correct him.

"You know Lucy is the last person you roll your eyes to...." I muttered.

"Yeah but this seems to be everyday."

"Because they are basically trying to put her down. But they haven't even told the one that found her."

"Riley would be on another murderous rampage if they killed her."

"EXACTLY why we don't tell her..." Brooklyn snapped.

"She will find out sooner or later." Nathan looked away.

"Her powers is becoming unstable. 4 years of this train wreck is slowly consuming her. By then she'd implode in on herself anyway."

"What?" Sylvester questioned. I turned to Sylvester and then Nathan. We walked further away and talked much quieter.

"Lucy forced powers on her self because she wanted to meet this superhero she liked, and now the side effects are show in up? This late? Is there anything we can do?"

"We are trying to figure that out now." Brooklyn made a frown before hanging up.


I looked at Lucy through a window in the youth island. She was meditating. "We have to find out where she got them. Have you just asked her? Don't you have files?"

"Yes. But no normal kid can just magically find a secret agency. They either were advertising or they found her." Brook sighed.

"We should contact-"

"No..... We aren't doing that. She has enough on her plate already."

"What could Riley possibly have on her plate?"

"She's heading to Latveria with Stark to negotiate with Doom."

"And this is her problem why?"

"Riley has humiliated him time after time and I doubt he'd forget about it." Brooklyn sighed.

"Back to Lucy. We kind of have to ask Riley. It was her, Sam, and I that were closest to her."

"Then you go in" Nathan smirked.

"But- But- But" I stammered. Brook pushed me in with a shield. Lucy opened her eye as the door shut and she started beaming. She came over and hugged me.

"Hey there lil brat."

She smiled. "Who got you in here?"

"Brook" We said simultaneously. We laughed the same time as well but she stopped. "You shouldn't be in here. I'm dangerous....."

"I doubt you'd intentionally try to hurt me" I smiled reassuringly

She smiled softly and backed away. She sat and started tearing up. "Oh...Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry." I knelt down.

"Everyone here treats me like I'm some monster. They avoid me and isolate me here 24 hours in a day. I don't even know the date. I know its in case I blow up but I want to have a life Marcus I don't want this power anymore."

I sighed ready to speak.

"I want to be normal. Just find away to let me be normal..... If not.....Put me out of my misery." She whined over me.

"You know I won't let anyone do that to you."

"Then take this power out. I don't remember where I got it but it was some where on the south east side. Around where my family used to live."

I nodded and held her hands. "Anything else?"

"I know for a fact they are AIM agents."

The AIM agency is technically worse than Hydra but not as well known. They are just a bunch of scientist that try to take over the world through science and technological ways.

"So AIM did this to you?" I asked.

"89% sure."

"That's still pretty high, you said south east side of the Bronx right?"

She nodded. I kissed her forehead. "I can't wait to have you back in the outside world."

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