chapter four

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jaemin p.o.v

"Hyo Jin?" I exclaim as I shut the door behind me. "What are you doing here?"

"Jaemin...I have something important to say." She nervously plays with her fingers.

"Wait, Hyo Jin. I'm going to meet–"

"I really like you, since the day I met you. Can we go out?" She looks up at me with pleading eyes.

I soon recover myself from the unexpected confession. As I decide to turn away from her pleading face, I spotted a familiar silhouette from the corner of my eye.

Min Hye?

I frowned and glanced back at Hyo Jin.

"Okay." My lips involuntarily moved on its own.

Hyo Jin seemed shocked as she widens her eyes. "Really? Th-Thank you..."

"Yeah. Why are you so shocked anyway?"

"W-Well...I just thought that maybe, just maybe you were interested in Min Hye instead..." Hyo Jin shyly says.

This time, I widen my eyes in surprise.

"You really think so? Even if I did, I would never stand a chance...she probably likes Jeno, anyway." I smile dryly as I glance back in the direction I thought I saw Min Hye. She was gone.

Have I made...the right decision?


min hye p.o.v

"Min Hye?" Jeno frowns as he notices that I was alone during recess in the canteen. "Why aren't you with Hyo Jin?"

My eyes droop at her name.

"She's with her boyfriend now." I simply say.

"What...?" Jeno's frown deepens. "Don't tell me..." He trails off as he glances in my direction.

"That too kind for anything, dense bastard..." Jeno murmurs under his breath.

"Seriously...I can just go on and tell him how you feel just right now! How's that?"

"No, Jeno. I...don't mind." I smile.

"What do you mean you don't mind?"

"If it is a decision Jaemin made, then there must be a reason. Jaemin must have an interest." I say, but I knew it was just an excuse I gave myself.

"That's not true, he definitely does not have an interest!" He immediately disagrees.

"Then what?" I look up Jeno.

"That's because he actually lik–" Jeno shuts his mouth tight.


"No-Nothing," He looks away, not adding on anymore. "Anyways, if you don't have a partner to eat with, I can. Since my usual partner's gone, too." He quickly brushes off the earlier topic and eases himself to his seat.

"Well then, I hope, you wouldn't mind my company." His lips break into a bright smile.


jeno p.o.v

Soon after the two of us purchased our food, we took our final bite. Still chewing on her sandwich, she stands up as I followed suit.

She made her way out of the canteen and tossed her wrapper into the bin.

We then walk together in silence through the hallways. I placed my hands into my pockets and lifted my head.

As I did, however, I widen my eyes in surprise as I spy Hyo Jin and Jaemin holding hands as they slowly approached us.

I cast a quick glance at Min Hye and notice that she still hasn't seen them.

When I was about to heave a sigh of relieve, Min Hye begins to tilt her head towards them.

I panicked a bit, and hurriedly stopped her by pulling her into my arms, shielding her from the sight. She protested and tried to push me away, but I tightly grabbed onto her, waiting as the couple passed us.

Right at that split second, Jaemin looks up from Hyo Jin and we make eye contact. I noted the expression on his face as he glances back and forth between Min Hye and myself.

He then looks away.

Or more like, he forced his eyes away.

After I watch as they turned another corner and disappeared from the hallway, I finally let go of her.

"Yah, are you crazy? Are you trying to kill me?" Min Hye immediately retaliates.

"Sorry, sorry! One more step and you'll fall." I chuckled as I gestured to a puddle of water in front of her, that was miraculously there as I made an excuse.

With puffed up cheeks, she glares at me. "Whatever."

"Whatever? Rude." I click my tongue in disapproval.

"Fine then. Thanks." She purses her lips and continues walking on, avoiding the puddle.

"These two dense bastards...." Jeno smiles wryly as he follows behind her.


a/n: weekends so here y'all go !!! :)

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