Part 6: When Two Worlds Collide

Start from the beginning

Arnav - So Khushi Kumari Gupta doesn't know how to operate the washing machine, isn't it?

She looked up at him now and folded her arms on her chest looking away.

Arnav - And you didn't ask me for help because I had offered you to teach you about everything which you had denied so proudly because Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada can do everything on her own!

Khushi - Fine. But I'm not at fault. Back in Lucknow and Laxmi Nagar, we used to wash clothes with hands and in Shantivan, the Prakash brothers handled everything. That washing machine had so many signs, buttons and then some lights, I couldn't understand them. But I knew, if I ask you, you'll tease me.

Arnav - Seriously? You've got some nerve to tell me I act like a child! Come with me now, I'll show you.

* * *

"Come out Arnavji! What's taking you so long?"

She knocked on the door now for the upteenth time. Couldn't he understand it was an emergency?

Khushi - Please come out now.

Finally the noise of the shower stopped and she expected him to open the door anytime. Instead he barked from inside.

Arnav - You are unbelievable. Why don't you use the other bathroom?

Khushi - Because I need something which is in the cupboard of this bathroom only!

He opened the door in a minute with water dropping from his hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. She pressed her lips together at his vicious glare.

Arnav - Can't I even take a shower anymore without being disturbed by you? Is that too much to ask?

Khushi - It's not my fault. Some of my necessities are inside. Can't you understand this less?

Arnav - You just enjoy getting on my nerves, don't you?

Khushi - As if I don't have anything else to do!?

Arnav - Khushi, you-

Khushi - Hatiye! Let me go in.

She pushed him aside flaring her nose and went in closing the door behind.

* * *


He sneezed again as he collected newspaper from the coffee table. Khushi stopped rolling the roti and looked at him from the open kitchen.

Khushi - Arnavji, are you alright? You've been sneezing since yesterday.

He looked around actually baffled as somehow he's only been sneezing at home. Everything was perfect at office and that hinted to one thing. He rubbed his finger pad on the table.

Arnav - Aachoo!

After staring onto his finger for few seconds, he turned his gaze towards his wife cooking in the open kitchen.

Arnav - When did you last clean the house?

Khushi - I do vacuuming and mobbing everyday of course.

Arnav - And dusting?

She looked at him now turning the electric stove off and thinned her lips.

Arnav - You know i'm allergic to dust Khushi!

Khushi -'s all your fault!

He raised his brows now approaching her who was setting the dining table.

Arnav - My fault? How is it my fault if you're so lazy?

Khushi - Of course it is your fault! Back at home, you never let me do any household work saying if the house ladies were to do all work only, then why pay all the servants? You always tied my hands and I never did anything except of cooking occasionally. Since five years I hadn't even touched a broom or mob anymore. And because of whom? Because of you! You indirectly made me lazy!

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