This X dumb X Tower

Start from the beginning

When Tora came out of her shower she had almost the same outfit but her shirt was a dark red and she did her hair up with a fish braid instead of a ponytail. Once she was ready we started to walk back for my food (you thought I forgot HA that would never happen I mean have you meet me it is food we are talking ) and talked about Rin and how nice he was and her saying that she likes him (SHIP KILLED *laughs evilly*)and me saying I will respect the girl code and not go after him and saying that he was like a big brother to me and I don't see him that way (shots fired! *shots gun*).  As we continued we heard the bean come over the intercom and tell us to all start to head towards the exit for the next phase is about to start.

"WHAT?!? i thought we had couple hours till we got there and it will strt any minute now if we don't hurry!" Tora says in a panic

"Tor calm down I'm a vampire and you are a shadow there is no way we can be late " i say calmly while slowly getting into my vampire speed towards the exam site.

~~~~~Timeskip to when they get to the trick tower

And this is where I end the chapter thank you for reading and have a good day today is suggestion is @Awesome_day_Dreamer for My life as Athedite Aphrona word count:840 













Just kidding anyway back to story

We stepped onto the top of the trick tower and waited for everyone else to get settled down for  before the beany boo started to talk.

"okay this is the third phase of the hunter exam....bla...blah...blah" He started but I stopped listening (hey if you can't tell I'm not very good at listening to boring talking) and started to look around the place.

"hey Killua, How much do you want to bet that someone will die within five minutes after the bean stops talking?" I say nudging him with my elbow

"You on how about 1000 jenny?" Killua asked with his hand out for a shake to confirm the bet

"You on Kill but you are also my servant" I say shaking his hand. Right then we hear a scream and then huge birds came down and taking number eighty-six. "pay up Handsome you lost the bet" 

"Fine but do I really have to be your servant Cher?" He asked while handing me my money.

"Yes a bet is a bet and that's Ms.Cher to you" I say as I flip my hair and walk away to start to look for anyway openings to get into the tower. After a while Gon and Killua came and joined me in my search.

"Hey Demon have you found anything?" Gon asked walking up to me.

"Well I think but I don't know for sure" I said

"Well what is it?" Gon asked

"there is a hollow sound so acouple of them I think that means that there isn't a tile I beleive it is a trap door and if I am correct about this that means that there or five more there, there, there, there, there"I say pointing to each place that there is doors.

"oh wow cher that is awesome. Kurapaka, leorio, Cherrie found something!"Gon says, as they come over.

"what is it Gon?"

not in this lifetime? (hunter x hunter x oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now