Love Song • 11

Começar do início

"I'm on my way to school. You need to go talk to my mum." I say and she buckles her seat belt. She snaps it closed and look to me as if I was supposed to drive.

I guess I could skip first period and take her to the park down the street. I sigh and start my car. I drive out of the driveway and begin taking her down the street.

Charlotte (Lana's Mum)

I'm taking Lana to the park, I have her back up

I drive down the street and Lana was looking up at the sun and trees smiling and laughing. Something I wished she never stop doing.

Just then I got a FaceTime call from Harry. I sit my phone on my phone holder and answer. Automatically he sees me driving and says hi.

"Hey sunshine." Harry says and Lana squeals.

"Hey har-"

"Is that the Prince?!" Lana says trying to look over at my phone screen when I hear Harry chuckle a bit at Lana's small voice.

"Yes it is." I say and Harry looks at me with confusion.

"I thought I would spend some time with her this morning and check in to school." I say and he nods as if he approved in some way.

"Well, I was calling because I want to take you out again. Somewhere fun, maybe too much fun?" He says in a unsure tone and then awkwardly smiled at me.

"Is it a party?" I ask.

"Tea party?!" Lana yells and I look over to see her waiting for Harry's answer.

"Yes, it's a tea party." Harry giggle and we all laugh at the cute remark.

"But it's tonight. Dress warm tho." He says and I blow a kiss at him and he catches it then hangs up the phone.

"Y'all are cute." She says and twiddles with her fingers when we pull into the parking lot. She looks over the dashboard and sees it the park. She smiles and looks over at me.

"Ah c'mon. Niall you know I can't play there." She says wanting to frown. I know with all her might she tries not to frown but I see her stay strong.

"It's okay babe. I'll help you." I say and get out. I walk around my car and hep Lana exit the car. She shoves the door closed and I pick up her frail 7 year old body, carrying her further into the park.

"Okay, what do you want to go on first?" I ask and Lana looks around the park as if she couldn't choose.

She then looks over my shoulder and points.

"Monkey bars!" She yells and I nod. I walk over there and she begins to sing the Little Einstein's theme song.

"Yay!" She screams and I position her. Holding her up on my shoulder she grabs pole by pole and move towards the end.

My heart just breaks at the excitement she displays. She will never be this happy again so I might as well make it the best for her.

After the Monkey bars she decides she's a bit tired and we sit on the swings. I give her a peice of gum from yesterday that I got from Harry.

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora