Ch. 1

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  A few weeks passed and Kaden was getting healthier every day. Granted, his bruises and cuts still remained but they were healing, and Kaden was gaining more and more weight as time progressed, which was good because his ribs stuck out when Gray first brought him home. The only thing that really concerned the alpha though, was that Kaden seemed very, very child-like. It didn't bother him, seeing as how the wolf found it quite cute that the younger boy would sometimes get clingy when Gray left to hunt, or cry when his imaginary friends didn't get along. What concerned him was that he was afraid the regression was caused by his trauma or was a symptom of something much more severe.  Afraid of going to the doctor and having the boy taken from him altogether, he fled to Google to find his answers.
  Search: teenage boy acting like a baby
The only results that came up were ones from "mom blogs" complaining about their sons acting immature, but that wasn't what he was looking for. He tried again, trying simpler wording this time.
  Search: teen baby
This one pulled up many, many results that seemed like they were what he was looking for. As he read, he found out a few things. First, a lot of "teen babies" or "adult babies" were a part of this thing called cgl, and could also be called littles. Second, this "littlespace" could be caused by trauma, but littlespace in itself wasn't a sickness. Third, after going to a few Tumblr blogs centered around the subject, he found out there are special stores designed for their kind, and many of them needed or liked wearing diapers and onesies, as well as using pacifiers, sleeping in cots, and playing with toys. Another thing was apparently, littles required rules or they would act out.
  "Gway?" Kaden called, pulling on Gray's sleeve urgently. He shut his laptop and turned his attention to the boy. "Yes?"
"I gotta potty."
"Why don't you go potty then, little man?"
"I scared."
"What would you like me to do buddy?"
"Come wif me pwease?"
"Sure, let's go." He said, getting up and leading him by the hand to the bathroom. Before he could make it though, he began wetting himself right there in the hallway. "Kaden, no no no! Augh—" He pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched the wetness spread across Kaden's, or rather Gray's jeans. Kaden whimpered. "I sorry!" He apologized, tears brimming in the corners of his crystal blue eyes. The alpha sighed and picked him up, carrying him the rest of the way to the bathroom to clean him up. "It's okay buddy, it's not your fault. We gotta get you outta these yucky clothes, though," Gray said, setting the boy back down and stripping him of his t-shirt and wet jeans. He ran the bath water and pulled the still crying Kaden into a hug. "You're okay, shhhh... I'm not mad. It was an accident," he comforted, rubbing circles into his back. Once the boy was calm he got up and grabbed a towel. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go clean up your piddle, okay?" (Yes, I meant to spell it as 'piddle')
"Kaden help?" He asked, staring at the older man with innocent eyes. "Baby, you're naked, and don't you wanna get clean?" Kaden nodded, looking at the floor. "Hey, don't worry. How about when we get done with your bath you help me cook dinner?" Gray offered. Kaden brightened up at that. "Otay!" He said excitedly. "Good. I'll be right back," He said, before shutting off the water.
  Once he came back he got the boy in the bathtub and cleaned him up, then took him out and got him dressed in one of Gray's sweaters, which was of course three sizes too big on him, and a pair of green striped boxers. "You want to go watch a movie?" Gray asked to which Kaden nodded against his shoulder. The wolf carried him into the living room and set him on the couch and chose the toy story movie, before going into the kitchen to find something for them both to eat. It had been a few days since Gray had hunted and he was getting antsy. Because he was half-wolf he had to hunt every week or he would turn Savage and possibly attack someone he cared for.
  Gray sighed, bringing the sandwiches into the living room and setting one down in front of Kaden, cut into two triangles just the way he liked it. "Tank you!" Kaden said, sitting up and taking one of the halves and biting into it. "You're welcome buddy," Gray smiled, ruffling his hair.
  After lunch, Gray decided he wanted to talk to Kaden about what he'd read and see what he thought of it. "So, Kaden?" He started, pausing the movie. Kaden pouted. "Hey! I was watchin dat!" He said, trying to grab the remote. "No. Buddy, I wanna talk. We can watch the movie in a minute," once Kaden calmed down enough to listen, he began. "I noticed you acting pretty... Little these past few weeks. And I did some research to see what that was all about—" before he could finish, Kaden started crying. "I sorry!" He said pitifully, looking at  the man with big, glossy  eyes. "baby! You're not in trouble. Just listen..." He said, pulling the boy into his lap for comfort. "I did some research and found out that you're what they call a little, which means you act younger than your actual age and in your case, because you got hurt by someone with an Authority over you. Are you familiar with the word 'little'?" The boy shook his head. "Okay, well, I also read that littles like using stuff for kids and babies, and they also have caretakers that they call mommy and daddy that take care of them when they feel little. Does any of that sound like you'd like it?" Gray asked, rubbing Kaden's thigh soothingly. Kaden nodded, twiddling his thumbs. "Which parts?"
"I wan— I wan wear baby stuffs... An I wan toys..."
"Okay, do you want a caretaker?"
"Mhm." He hummed, burying his face in the alpha's neck shyly. The older man rubbed his back, smiling to himself. "Okay baby. We don't have to talk about this anymore. You wanna keep watching your movie?" Kaden nodded, turning himself around in Gray's lap facing the TV. Gray unpaused it and sat back, his hands around the Little's waist protectively. He couldn't wait to hear Kaden's cute little voice calling his daddy and then coming in to his nursery to see what was the matter. He really thought he would like it a lot and he almost couldn't wait to begin.

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