"Can't you do it?", he asked, watching as I carefully sat the little girl on the counter. I pat her back, feeling her releasing me. She pulled away, placing her tiny hands on my cheeks.

"Why are you sad?", she sniffles at me, pulling my face closer to her's. "Are you hurt?"

This girl knew more than any person did.

"I'm not sad," I shake my head, holding in the grimace threatening to be released. She dropped her hands into her lap, swinging her little feet.

"Why are you hurting?"

I gave her a confused look, tilting my head at her. She giggled, copying my face and head tilt. Realizing that she mimicked me, I saw what I looked like. I did look like I was hurting.

I gave her a quick hug, whispering to her as I pulled away. "My head hurts."

She nods her little head, the little ponytail on her head, swinging as she performed the action. She turned around, facing Jimin who was looking around for her mother.

She crawled over to him, hopping into his lap. He jumped, looking down at her, sending a soft smile. She reached her little hand up to his hair, tugging on it a bit.

She looked back at me, before saying something to him quietly. He leaned down as she cupped his ear, supposedly whispering a secret to him.

He looked up at me, childishly smiling as he nods his head at her. "Is that so?"

She hummed, bouncing in his lap, pouting at him with her sad eyes. I looked at them confusedly, before leaning my back against the counter. I turned so they couldn't see my face and closed my eyes. I wanted to reach my fingers up and rub my temples, but that would attract attention.

"How do we fix that?"

They continue to talk behind me, while I instantly bring a hand up to the bridge of my nose. I lightly pinch it, feeling some pain subdue.

I flinched, feeling tiny hands wrap around my neck. She hugs me, resting her little head upon mine, softly sighing. I relax against her touch, focusing on her cuteness rather than the pain.

She wiggles, pushing my shoulder around with her hands. I turned around to face her, hearing her giggle as I stared face to face with Jimin. Her giggles got longer as I jumped away, he smirked happily, looking at the little girl enjoying herself.

I wanted to laugh with her, but I balled up my hands into fists, feeling the headache picking up again.

The giggling stopped as they both stared at me with serious expressions. She raised her hands to Jimin, while he gladly picked her up. She pointed at me, whispering something else to him.

He nodded, walking around the counter and back over to me. She held her hands out to me, waiting for me to take her from Jimin's arms. I pulled my hands out of my pocket and held my arms out for her too.

She clambered into my arms, hugging me again. "I don't want you to feel hurt."

"I'll be okay," I tell her, resting my head on top of her's as it rests on my shoulder. She reached out for Jimin's hand, while I expected her to want him to hold her. He was much gentler with children since I was a hard person.

She yanked his hand toward us, pulling him in for the hug. I tensed up, feeling his arms wrap around the both of us. She giggled quietly, catching my attention.

"What?", I ask her, giving her a small smile.

"Mommy always hugs Daddy when she is hurting or sad," she states, pulling us closer to her. What did that have to do with us?

"How does that work for us?", I carefully ask, hoping not to upset her.

"He was staring at you like my daddy does to mommy," she admits, poking Jimin's cheek. "He's helping to make you happy again."

I tried to ignore the heating of my cheeks, while I continued to hug her. She looked at me, worried and concern stretching across her cheeks.

"She's getting red, she can't breathe!", she tried to push Jimin away, who was laughing quietly at her. I rolled my eyes, closing them and shaking my head at him.

"What else does Daddy do to mommy to make her feel better?", Jimin asked her, stepping away from me.

"I think they cuddle, it's gross because Daddy always kisses mommy in front of me!", she makes a disgusted noise, looking up at him. "But it works! Kiss her!"

My eyes widened at her words, quickly drifting to his. He didn't seem phased by her outburst, he seemed rather pleased. I shook my head, wincing as a pain wave hit me once more.

"Pwease?", she pleads, looking up at me this time. I immediately softened my look at her, she looked adorable, like she really wanted to make me feel better. "I want you to feel happy."

I snuggle against her, lightly tickling her sides. She burst into giggles, squirming in my arms as she fought my fingers off.


The little girl looks up, smiling widely as she looked in the direction. I turned around, looking at the very worried couple running over to us.

I gently put her down, watching her hug her parents' legs. They looked up at me, the father picking up his daughter. The mother comes over, rubbing my arm.

"Thank you for taking care of her," she whispered, looking behind me. "Tell your boyfriend I said thanks as well."

"He's not my boyfriend," I tell her, shaking my head, watching as Rae scrambled down to the floor. She tugged on her mother's shirt, telling her to lean down.

"Mommy, she won't believe me!", she whines, pointing up at me.

"How so, baby?", the mother asked her, while I watched Rae point at Jimin. "What about him?"

"She was hurting, her head hurts. I told him and he said we should fix that. I told him to do what Daddy does to you," she explained to her mother, not stopping after that. "Daddy always kisses you to make you smile more. She wouldn't let him."

I rapidly blink at her, tensing up as an arm snakes it's way around my waist. She grabs onto my hand, making me look down to her.

"Will you be here tomorrow?", she asks, looking at me with her puppy dog eyes. I nod my head, watching her excitedly squeal. I flinch, lightly squeezing her hand a bit.

She frowns, giggling as my face turns red from the feeling of lips pressing against my temple. They pulled away a second after, while I stared down at the little girl who caused this.

She looked happy with herself, and honestly, Jimin and Rae's efforts to make my head stop hurting, it worked.

"Look! She looks better already!", she exclaimed, jumping and pulling on my hand. She looks up at Jimin, hugging his legs tightly. "Keep doing that, she won't be hurting anymore."

He nods his head, softly chuckling at her. I was probably the same color as his hair right now. I hated this weird effect. All the guys I was around, I always intimidated them.

His arm hugged me closer to him, his hand gently squeezing me as I tensed up. He planted a kiss on my cheek, smiling down at a giggling Rae. I couldn't help but smile at her as well.

What is happening to me? Am I going soft? Just because of one little girl and her schemes, well then.

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