The Dark Assassin. Hit V.S. Giovanto

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"AGhh... Agghh.." Natsu panted as he fell to his knees, and Luffy did so too.. Happy fell down..almost as if his wings were weighted down by the mere presence of whoever was nearby..

Out into the alleyway.. walked Giovanto, ever so casually, his hands still in his pockets. 

Giovanto drew out a hand and it began to glow slightly. "So.. who wishes to go first?"

"Wh-who the hell!?" Natsu stammered.

"Are you!?" Luffy finished.

"You will.. surrender Pumkin Everezz to me." said Giovanto. "I apologize.. but she is an invaluable asset the Galactic Navy requires.. "

"So.. that's how it is huh?" said Natsu, gritting his teeth furiously, his body ignited in Super Slayer Flames as he stood back up shakily.

"Forget it!" Luffy snapped, standing back up as well and his body glowing with heat as he immediately went into Gear Two mode.

"I see... well then.. I will make your pain brief.." said Giovanto. "Dimension Knife."

"SHEEEEENNNN!!" There was a streak of light.. as suddenly, a thin slice seemed to go through reality itself.. almost as if the air and world itself were being cleaved in half all the way down to atoms themselves...

And Giovanto suddenly stood behind Natsu and Luffy, his back to them.. his hand still out..

"Wh-what just-?!" Natsu began.

Luffy and Natsu both fell over, blood gushing out of their mouths.. as a bloody slash went through either of their torsos

And at the same time.. the very air itself.. split in half.. between them.. as if the wind itself had split in half into a vacuum of space.. and a long scar slid through the street in the middle of it.. lining up perfectly with the slashed air... in fact.. that area suddenly turned black.. as if it were a black perfectly straight cut that cleaved through the air and ground.. as Light itself had also been cleaved in half at that point.

"Those who dare stand against heaven are cut down by the angels themselves." said Giovanto calmly. "My techniques allow me to cut through Space itself..  All things and matter occupy Space as a part of it, light, air, earth.. anything possessing form or substance, I can cleave through merely by cleaving the space through which it occupies. And by manipulating space around me.. I can move faster than any being in the Universe.. even Frieza himself.. you are no match.." (he can even cut down Accelerator). 

Natsu and Luffy fell to the ground.. both clutching their sides and choking.

"D-Damn.." Natsu stammered "Th-this guy is majorly tough.."

"Surrender.. and I promise I won't kill you." said Giovanto. "I promise Ms. Everezz will be well treated. As a trainee to join the Galactic Navy, a Saiyan Woman will be most useful in dying down our government's prejudices.. and subjugating dissidents."

"Th-that's why ya want him?" Growled Natsu. "T-too bad.. she's with me!"

"Pumkin isn't the kind of girl who'd want to be subordinate to anybody like you lot.. who keep slaves!" growled Luffy, standing next to Natsu. 

"You know.. with one blow.. and one swift movement.. " said Giovanto. "I can cleave the heads from your bodies.."

Natsu gritted his teeth and looked down at Pumkin, who lay there at his feet.  Then he looked back at Giovanto. "Bring it ya helmeted jackass!!"

"Very well.. I apologize for your deaths.. I will be sure to pay for your funerals.. you deserve that much."  Giovanto held out a hand. "Horizon Cleave."

Fairy Tail Super , Book 4: Sisterhood.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora